Plan now to attend the 5th Annual "Genes in Ecology, Ecology in Genes"
Symposium on November 9, 10, & 11, 2007, in Kansas City.  We will convene in
the Intercontinental Hotel on the beautiful Country Club Plaza on Friday at
6:00 p.m. and conclude on Sunday at noon.  Information will be posted on our
website,, as details are finalized.  

Ecological Genomics is a field at the interface of ecology, evolution and
genomics that seeks to place the functional significance of genes and
genomics into an ecological and evolutionary context.  Please refer to our
website for future announcements of our exciting line-up of renowned

Participants are invited to share their own research with the group through
a poster session on Friday night and Saturday.  Poster topics should be
related to the field of Ecological Genomics.  A limited number of submitted
poster abstracts will be selected for oral presentations.  

Please share this announcement with colleagues and students who are
interested in learning more about the field of Ecological Genomics.  If you
have questions, please contact us at (785) 532-3482 or [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Additional information about this interdisciplinary research initiative is
available at 

Funding for this symposium is provided by Targeted Excellence at Kansas
State University.

Ecological Genomics Institute Directors:
   Dr. Loretta Johnson
   Dr. Michael Herman
Kansas State University, Division of Biology
Ackert Hall, Manhattan, KS  66506-4901
(785) 532-3482,

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