Employer:  Sierra Nevada Research Center, USDA Forest Service, Pacific 
Southwest Research Station

Location:  Lake Tahoe Basin and Eldorado National Forest

Job Title:  Biological Technician (Wildlife)

Employment Duration:  3-4 months (May – August 2007, exact dates may vary)

Number of Positions:  8 field technicians (GS-04, 05) with the following 
expertise and possibly 1 field crew leader (GS-07) with experience with at 
least two of the following techniques:

♦Passerine Bird surveys: (mid May – July; 2 positions) point counts and 
nest searching; requires knowledge of Western forest birds by sight and 
sound and/or experience nest searching. Knowledge of Sierra Nevada flora 

♦Owl/Accipiter surveys: (mid May – July; 2 positions) broadcast call 
surveys; experience with broadcast surveys and knowledge of Western forest 
owls and raptors by sight and sound strongly preferred. Knowledge of Sierra 
Nevada flora desirable.

Small mammals: (July – August) live trapping; requires live trapping 
experience and knowledge of Sierra Nevada small mammal species 
identification. Knowledge of Sierra Nevada flora desirable.

People with skills in more than one area are particularly encouraged to 
apply. Ideally, bird and/or owl/accipiter crews will conduct small mammal 
trapping as time permits.  

♦Carnivore surveys: (mid May – August; 3 positions) sooted track plates 
remote camera systems; experience with the identification of mammal species 
from tracks and photographs preferred but not required. Knowledge of 
vegetation sampling techniques required; knowledge of Sierra Nevada flora 

Vegetation sampling: (July – August) sampling of living and dead trees and 
logs using transect, line-intercept and variable radius plot methods; 
requires experience with the above techniques and identifying plants using 
a dichotomous key (Jepson Manual).  Background in forestry and/or knowledge 
of Sierra Nevada flora preferred.

Carnivore crews will also be required to conduct a majority of the 
vegetation sampling.

♦Recreational use sampling: (May – August; 1 position) visual encounter 
surveys, acoustic monitoring systems, and remote trail monitoring systems; 
experience collecting recreation data, and use of remote trail and acoustic 
monitoring systems is preferred.

Pay: $13.06/hr (GS-0404-04) – $14.61/hr (GS-0404-05), depending on 
education and experience. $18.10/hr (GS-0404-07)

Background and Job Description:
Field assistants are needed for an ongoing project to evaluate the effects 
of OHV use and other forms of recreation on a variety of wildlife species 
and their habitats.  Specifically, technicians will fill positions doing 
one or more of the following: avian point counts and passerine nest 
searching, broadcast surveys for owls and accipiters, small mammal 
trapping, carnivore surveys, vegetation sampling, and recreation surveys. 
The project is based in the Lake Tahoe Basin with field locations on the 
Eldorado National Forest.  Work will occur largely in forested habitats 
from 6000 – 8500’ in elevation. Terrain is rugged and may require extensive 
hiking off-trail in remote locations with a loaded pack. Night and/or 
weekend work is required for some positions. Car camping or backpacking may 
be required. Experience with point counts and small mammal trapping is 
required for those positions (4).  Familiarity with carnivore surveys, 
recreation surveys, and knowledge of various habitat sampling methods as 
well as Sierra Nevada flora is recommended, though may not be required. 
Applicants should anticipate long and physically demanding days; steep 
terrain; dense habitat; and mosquitoes. Qualified applicants must be 
enthusiastic, in good physical condition, able to work independently and 
with others, able to work for long hours, and confident navigating through 
difficult terrain using map and compass. 
Proof of U.S. citizenship and possession of a valid driver’s license are 

For more information regarding the above positions or to be notified once 
the positions are open, please send a brief note of inquiry to the contacts 
below (email inquiries preferred): 

Jane Hartwig (passerines, owls/accipiters, recreation):  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Heather Zeigler (small mammals, carnivores, habitat): [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Please include the subject line “2007 OHV Study positions” in your email 
inquiry. In the inquiry, please indicate the positions in which you are 
interested.  Interested individuals are encouraged to apply for more than 
one position in their areas of qualification to increase the chances of 
being hired.

Applications for non-students will take place through AVUE Digital 
Services. The application is an on-line process for non-students: 

For applicants interested in positions through the Student Temporary 
Employment Program please include an electronic copy of your resume in your 
email.  To be eligible for appointment through the Student Temporary 
Employment Program, you must be currently enrolled in an accredited degree 
program with the intention of returning to school upon completion of the 
field season.  Individuals graduating prior to the start of the field 
season are not eligible for employment through the Student Temporary 
Employment Program and must apply through AVUE Digital Services.

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