I am looking for highly motivated MS and PhD graduate students interested 
in invasion biology or restoration ecology to start August 2008 in the 
Department of Biology at the University of Central Florida. My research 
focus is on the landscape patterns and community mechanisms that influence 
the addition of species into ecosystems. My interest in landscape 
preservation is served by utilizing a variety of methods to answer 
pressing questions relating to the addition and loss of species in 
ecosystems. Future and ongoing Von Holle lab projects available for 
collaboration are:
•       The effect of landscape connectivity on habitat invasibility by 
nonnative plants 
•       The effect of global climate change on nonnative species 
•       The influence of historical landuse on nonnative plant 
distribution using historical aerial photographs and hyperspectral imagery
•       Habitat restoration: forests, heathlands, and scrub.
•       Impacts of nonnative species on Florida ecosystems 
•       Facilitations between nonnative species 
For further information on my research visit: 
The Department has a strong and collegial group with diverse research 
interests that range from applied conservation biology to theoretical 
ecology and evolutionary biology. The University is situated within easy 
driving distance of diverse coastal, freshwater, and terrestrial 
ecosystems, offering excellent opportunities for both field research and 
recreation. Students accepted in the program are eligible for graduate 
fellowships, graduate teaching assistantships, or graduate research 
assistantships. Stipends are currently $19,000 and $15,000 per year for 
PhD and MS students, respectively. Applicants should have an undergraduate 
degree in the Biological Sciences as well as prior research experience. 
Interested applicants should send an email with a letter of interest and 
attached CV to Betsy Von Holle: [EMAIL PROTECTED] University 
application materials are due January 15, 2008.  

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