Symposium on the Landscape Ecology of Infectious Diseases

To be held April 7th, 2008 at the annual meeting of the United States
Regional Association of the International Association for Landscape
Ecology (US-IALE) in Madison, Wisconsin.

Who should attend? Biostatisticians, ecologists, epidemiologists,
geographers, medical entomologists, microbiologists, parasitologists,
and other health scientists who are interested in learning about novel
geographic approaches to infectious disease research.

In addition to this symposium, the US-IALE conference will feature
sessions on a variety of relevant topics including satellite remote
sensing, spatial analysis, land cover/land use change, and species
distribution modeling.

NIH/NIAID-sponsored travel awards are being offered to graduate students
from the health science fields who have an interest in geographic and
ecological approaches to the study of infectious diseases and human
health, but have had limited exposure to the science of landscape
ecology. Applications are due by February 15th, 2008.

For a list of speakers and application instructions for the travel
awards please go to the symposium website:

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