This week's lecture is given by Geoff Marcy, someone you've perhaps never 
heard of, but only proving once again that you can only be famous if people 
heard of you.

Nonetheless, Marcy has discovered more planets than Galileo ever dreamt of, 
and as a result of his and his colleagues extraordinary work, he recently 
shared the $1 million Shaw Prize. The Shaw Prize was extablished by the Hong 
businessman, Sir Run Run Shaw, to create awards equivalent to the Nobel Prize, 
but in those areas of investigation where no Nobel Prize exists: biology, 
astronomy and mathematics. The Shaw Prize has been awarded for only two years 
and Marcy, along with Michel Mayor of the Geneva Observatory, were awarded 
the prize in astronomy last year.

Although the subject of Marcy's talk is nominally astronomy, it is also 
hardcore biology, even if it is at a very primitive state. Geology was the 
that informed and transformed evolutionary thought during Darwin's time. 
Comparative planetology will do the same during ours. The questions that will 
dominate this coming century are: (i) is life inevitable?, (ii) is it fragile?, 
(iii) to what degree does the evolution of complex life depend on the good 
fortune of specific planetary configurations of remote solar systems?

I've written before that I've always found it discouraging that people so 
readily say that biology (or ecology) has no laws. It's simply not true, even 
though Marcy says much the same thing in this lecture. When we do find life on 
other worlds, it will almost certainly be true that it's biochemistry will be 
different than our terrestrial biochemistries, perhaps anchored in a different 
part of the periodic table, and almost certainly using a completely different 
information-bearing schema than DNA/RNA. It will however inevitably still be 
subject to Darwinian selective constraints, and thus must exhibit all of the 
"laws" and constraints that we see in the ecological patterns we find here on 
Earth: logistic curves, predator-prey population cycles, competitive 
niche partitioning, species-area curves, nestedness, and so on.

Ecology studies the grand patterns of life, not the minutia, and those grand 
patterns should be common throughout the universe.

Wirt Atmar


The Evolutionary Biology Lecture of the Week for May 29, 2006 is now 
available at:

The talks center primarily around evolutionary biology, in all of its 
aspects: cosmology, astronomy, planetology, geology, astrobiology, ecology, 
biogeography, phylogenetics and evolutionary biology itself, and are 
presented at a professional level, that of one scientist talking to another. 
All of 
the talks were recorded live at conferences.

This is the second lecture in a summer-long series on the new science of 


May 29, 2006 

Part II: Astrobiology

Exoplanets, Yellowstone, & the Prospects for Alien Life 
Geoff Marcy, University of California, Berkeley
52 min. 

     "It will be especially interesting to see whether it is astronomy
that absorbs biology, or the other way around."
   -- Fred Hoyle (1915-2001) 

The beginnings of formal Western science can be traced back to a single point 
in time: the life and work of Copernicus (1473-1543). His major work, De 
revolutionibus orbium coelestium, was published in the year of his death, after 
more than three decades of thought. "The Copernican Principle" is the 
philosophical statement that no "special" observers need or should be proposed 
explain our position in the heavens. 

Bruno, in 1584, explained the principle in this fashion: 

     "Thus the earth no more than any other world is at the centre; and no 
points constitute definite determined poles of space for our earth, just as she 
herself is not a definite and determined pole to any other point of the ether, 
or of the world space; and the same is true of all other bodies. From various 
points of view these may all be regarded either as centres, or as points on 
the circumference, as poles, or zeniths and so forth. Thus the earth is not in 
the centre of the universe; it is central only to our own surrounding space. 
Although we have greatly expanded the reach of the idea, we still conduct our 
science by this same principle: that the laws of physics and chemistry are 
the same everywhere, and we now call the general thought the "Principle of 

If this is so -- and after 400 years of observation and investigation, we 
have no reason to doubt it -- then we cannot believe that there is anything 
special about the Earth or the life that inhabits it. If one earth exists, then 
there must be many. 

The first extrasolar planet was discovered in 1995 by Michel Mayor and Didier 
Queloz of the Geneva Observatory, but we deeply believed in the existence of 
these planets long before their recent discoveries. 

Mayor and Queloz's finding was soon confirmed by the team of Marcy, Butler, 
Fischer and Vogt and then greatly expanded upon. Marcy and colleagues have 
since discovered more than 110 planets. But in the intervening years since 
we have been surprised by the diversity of the types of solar systems we've 

In September 2005, Geoff Marcy and Michel Mayor were awarded the $1 million 
Shaw Prize for their revolutionary discoveries. In referencing his award, Marcy 

     "We now know that other planetary systems exist, but that their 
diversity renders our solar system just one type of many. The odd orbital 
caused by the gravitational scattering of planets by other planets makes our 
system relatively peaceful by comparison. Perhaps life owes its existence here 
on Earth to the fortuitous, delicate arrangement of the planets in our 
What does this imply for the prospects of other life in the universe? We 
truly don't yet know. The detection of other Earth-like planets remains beyond 
current technologies, but as you will hear in the coming lectures, that may 
soon change."

Marcy, like almost everyone else at the moment, expects that bacterial life 
should be common in the universe, but he is quite pessimistic about the 
presence of technological, "intelligent" life anywhere near us. Every 
observation of 
the night sky for the last two hundred years has been one more negative 
affirmation its nearby absence. 


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