Hello all,
  Here is the summary of responses relating to literature request for MATLAB 
  Thank you very much for all your responses. 
Original Question
  Dear all,
I am looking for important books / literature on MATLAB (that use ecological 
examples) specifically designed for ecologists. 
  Responses recieved 
The below book is suggested by several experts, although little old and caution 
towards changes in some of the basic commands in MATLAB. 
Roughgarden J. 1998. "Primer of Ecological Theory." Upper Saddle River,
NJ: Prentice Hall.
Related literature and expertise
  Don't know of any Ecology-MATLAB books, but you might look at MATLAB Recipes 
for Earth Sciences by Trauth.  You might also contact Richard Strauss at Texas 
Tech -- he is a power-MATLAB user and posts a lot of ecological MATLAP scripts 
on his website.
  Morris WF, Doak DF. 2002. "Quantitative Conservation Biology: Theory 
and Practice of Population Viability Analysis." Sunderland, MA: Sinauer
Associates Inc. (http://www.sinauer.com/detail.php?id=5460).
  It focuses on PVAs and other modeling methods, and includes lots of great 
MATLAB code.
Hal Caswell called "Matrix Population Models: Construction, analysis, and 
interpretation (2nd ed.)" published in 2001.
Look for more information about Matlab's book search in the Ecolog-L files of 
March 2004, week 2.
  Mathematical Methods in Biology (Allman and Rhodes) is good too - and 
uses MATLAB code in its examples.
Little elaborative and nice summary from one of the MATLAB expert
Joan Roughgarden’s Primer of Ecological Theory is written specifically with 
MATLAB in mind.  It is quasi-MATLAB tutorial in fact.  It gives lines of code 
in the text (in place of traditional equations in many instances).  It focuses 
more on getting things done in MATLAB than on the actual mathematics involved.  
NB, MATLAB has been updated since she wrote the text so some syntax/functions 
have changed (thinking specifically of fmin which was replaced by fminsearch), 
but most of the code will still work.   As a bonus, I think all of the code is 
available on the accompanying CD-ROM, the publisher’s website, or directly from 
The Morris and Doak book is pretty good if you’re interested in PVA and general 
matrix model type stuff.  All of the actual MATLAB code, in addition to being 
printed in the text, is freely available from the publisher to download.  They 
also make use of Excel and SAS, so some examples or techniques are illustrated 
with Excel functions or SAS instead of MATLAB.  They also provide some code to 
generate certain types of random variables, which might be useful if you don’t 
pay for the Statistics toolbox add-on to MATLAB (not sure how good they are, it 
may be better to adapt something from Numerical Recipes or something like that).
The best overall book, but potentially the least accessible to math-shy 
ecologists and least specifically tied to MATLAB, is Hal Caswell’s Matrix 
Population Modeling.  It has a fairly broad focus and does contain useful bits 
of code interspersed, but it doesn’t hold your hand through analyses like 
Roughgarden’s book.  NB the first edition had Fortran code, I think.  The 2nd 
edition uses MATLAB.

                Dr. Krishna Prasad Vadrevu  Research Scientist  201 Thorne 
Hall, Agroecosystem Management Program  1680 Madison Avenue, The Ohio State 
University  Wooster, OHIO, 44691-4096, USA  Fax : 330-263-3686  Phone : 
330-202-3539  Email : [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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