This is a second call. 

Two Graduate Student Research Assistantships Available at the University of
North Dakota, Department of Earth System Science and Policy.  

1) Vegetation Detection in Shallow Wetlands of Northern Minnesota using
Remote Sensing

One graduate student assistantship is available for a highly motivated M.S.
student interested in using remote sensing techniques and GIS to detect
stands and the spread of cattails (Typha spp.) as part of a large
NASA-funded project.  The student’s thesis will primarily focus on
evaluating the utility of various remote sensing techniques to detect and
track the spread cattail species.  Cattails represent a serious threat to
the vegetative recovery of wetlands at the Glacial Ridge National Wildlife
Refuge in northeastern Minnesota.  Being able to reliably detect them with
remotely sensed data would represent significant progress in overall
restoration efforts in the area.  This project will emphasize training in
collecting data with an ASD Spectroradiometer, field-work, the use of
spatial data from multiple sensors and image classification process, as well
as the use of GIS. 

2) Evaluation of Bioenergy Crop Potential 

Another graduate research assistantship is available for a highly motivated
student interested in bioenergy resources in North Dakota as part of a
NASA-funded project.  The student’s thesis will focus on evaluating the
potential of switchgrass (Panicum Virgatum L.) as a biofuel crop by defining
the spectral profile, detecting and mapping of switchgrass using remote
sensed data.  The project will emphasize training in collecting data with an
ASD Spectroradiometer, field-work, the use of spatial data from multiple
sensors and image classification process, as well as the use of GIS. 

The successful candidates for these positions will work within a
multidisciplinary team of faculty and students interested in the science and
policy of environment sustainability.  Both the positions come with a
12-month GRA, full tuition waiver, and funding up to 3 years.  Form more
information about these positions, please contact Dr. Soizik Laguette
(contact information below).  

Interested students should contact Dr. Laguette and apply directly to the
UND Graduate School (

Please do **not** hit the reply button to reply to that e-mail. 

Please feel free to contact me directly at:  

Soizik Laguette, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Department of Earth System Science and Policy
Clifford Hall Room 332
4149 University Avenue, Stop 9011
University of North Dakota
Grand Forks, ND   58202-9011
Tel. +1.701.777.2532 | Fax:+1.701.777.2940

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