Postdoctoral fellowship and graduate research assistantship at the
University of New Mexico.  

The Department of Biology has postdoctoral and graduate support (Ph.D.
level) for highly motivated individuals interested in working on a DOE
funded collaboration with Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) addressing
the hydraulic mechanisms of survival and mortality of piñon and juniper
trees during drought.  The recent drought in the southwestern USA has caused
widespread mortality of piñon pine. However, the exact causes of mortality
and survival have yet to be elucidated.  Field work will be located at a
woodland site within the Sevilleta LTER where ecosystem-scale manipulations
of water availability will be applied.  The project includes opportunities
for both measurements and modeling of plant water relations, carbon balance
and stable isotopes of carbon and water.  The University of New Mexico and
LANL have a strong group in physiological ecology, ecosystem science and
eco-hydrology presenting many opportunities for interaction with scientists
in related areas.  For more information regarding either position, contact
Will Pockman ([EMAIL PROTECTED], 505-277-2724) and/or Nate McDowell
([EMAIL PROTECTED], 505-665-2909).

Postdoctoral Fellowship: Required qualifications include a Ph.D. at the time
of appointment and research experience in physiological or ecosystem ecology
or related fields. Experience with dataloggers, gas exchange
instrumentation, sapflow, water relations and hydraulic measurements, or
process modeling are desirable.  

Graduate research assistantship (application deadline is Jan 15 2006):
Students with backgrounds in biology, or appropriate areas of earth
sciences, chemistry, physics, or computer science, and an interest in field
work and modeling within the fields of physiological ecology, ecosystem
ecology and environmental science are encouraged to apply. Experience using
dataloggers, gas exchange instrumentation, sapflow, hydraulic measurements,
or modeling is particularly advantageous but not necessary.  Assistantship
includes full tuition waiver, stipend and health insurance.  Admission
criteria and procedures are available at

William T. Pockman
Assistant Professor
UNM Biology
Phone: 505-277-2724  FAX: 505-277-0304

US Mail:                     FedEx Etc:
Biology MSC03 2020           Biology Dept., 167 Castetter Hall
1 University of New Mexico   University of New Mexico
Albuquerque, NM 87131-0001   Albuquerque, NM 87131


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