Position Description - Post-doc in Ecological modeling/Stream =


We seek a highly-motivated individual to participate in efforts to =
understand fragmentation effects on population viability of stream fish. =
The post-doc will extend existing data analyses to develop a system for =
prioritizing management actions at stream barriers. The aim of the =
project is to develop a detailed spatial demographic model that will be =
used to determine how stream fragmentation affects growth, movement and =
survival of brook trout and brown trout. The model will then be applied =
to a specific management area, where we will use the model to guide =
management actions. The position will be located at the Conte Anadromous =
Fish Research Center in Turners Falls, MA, to be co-directed by Dr. Ben =
Letcher, Ecology Section Leader at the Research Center, Dr. Keith =
Nislow, Fish and Wildlife Habitat Unit Leader, USDA Forest Service- =
Northern Research Station located at the University of Massachusetts, =
and Kim Lutz, Connecticut River Program Director for the Nature =


Qualifications: PhD in Ecology, Ecological Modeling, or Fisheries =
Science.  We are particularly interested in individuals who combine =
strong quantitative skills (including familiarity and experience in =
demographic modeling in spatially structured systems) with the ability =
to communicate effectively with a diverse group of stakeholders and =


Start date:  1 July 2007, with some flexibility. The term of the =
position is 3-years with good potential for an additional year.


Salary: Full time, $40K/year plus benefits. Additional funds are =
available for travel and research expenses.


Closing date: 9 March 2007.=20


Contact: Interested candidates should contact Kim Lutz ([EMAIL PROTECTED]).  =
To apply, please provide cover letter with statement of personal career =
interests and professional goals, plus extended resume including list of =



 Silvio O. Conte Anadromous Fish Research Center
 U.S. Geological Survey
 Biological Resources Division
 P.O. Box 796 --  One Migratory Way
 Turners Falls, MA  01376
 (413) 863-3803
 Cell: (413) 522-9417
 FAX (413) 863-9810


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