Fellow ecologists....

Post-doctoral Position to Develop California's Environment Score-Card --
Apply now!

We are beginning to review applications, so if you would like to apply,
please do so soon.

California currently lacks a science-based system for tracking
ecological and socio-economic change at any scale. A group of
state-funded organizations, agencies, and universities is beginning to
develop such a system and would like a post-doctoral fellow to
participate. The position would be at the University of California,
Davis, which is well-known for its natural, economic, and social

The statewide collaborative group includes water agencies, environmental
non-profits, federal agencies, and universities. The UC Davis group will
interact closely with the statewide effort and provide much of the
scientific expertise.  The successful candidate will be motivated to
develop and apply statistical and science-based tools to measure change
in ecological and socio-economic conditions in response to various
drivers. (S)he will have previous experience in inter-disciplinary
research involving natural sciences and either social or economic
science/analysis. Experience with data analysis with large environmental
datasets and contemporary statistical approaches at various geographic
scales is desired. In addition, experience with GIS and remote-sensing
data is preferred. The post-doc will work primarily with UCD scientists
Fraser Shilling, Mark Lubell, Josh Viers, and Jim Quinn and secondarily
with colleagues from state agencies (e.g., Department of Water
Resources), local agencies (Napa County), other universities (e.g.,
UCLA, USC), and private consultants (e.g., Canadian firm "ESSA").

The position currently has funding for 2 years, but continuation of
funding is possible. Start date may be any time between April 1 and June
1, 2008. The initial annual salary is ~$42,000 (DOE) plus full benefits
including health and dental coverage.  Interested persons holding a
doctoral degree from an accredited institution should contact Fraser
Shilling (see below), by sending electronic copies of: a cover letter
briefly describing research experiences and interests; curriculum vitae;
2 relevant reprints; and 3 references to: Dr. Fraser Shilling,
Department of Environmental Science and Policy, University of
California, Davis CA 95616, USA.  Contact phone number is 530/752-7859.
Application via email (preferred) to [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Contact
fax number is 530/752-3350.  Screening of applications begins in
January, 2008 and will continue until the position is filled.
University of California, Davis is an Affirmative Action/Equal
Opportunity Employer.

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