Announcement:  Post-doctoral fellowship in Statistical Ecology
Northwest Fisheries Science Center
Seattle, WA

Statistical identification of ecosystem and population indicators

Research efforts of the Mathematical Biology and Systems Monitoring Program
include studies on how to most effectively monitor populations within
large-scale spatially varying environments.  Basic research projects within
the program focus on application of modern statistical and modeling
approaches to analysis of population and community processes in order to
provide science support for management of species under the National Marine
Fisheries Service's jurisdiction.

One of the current research interests within our group is application of
newer statistical approaches for multi-variate spatial processes to the
problem of identification of ‘good’ population and ecosystem indicators and
to the problem of identification of change in indicators.  Large quantities
of monitoring data are collected on habitat and stream quality throughout
the Pacific Northwest, and these monitoring data along with population
counts provide a real-world test bed for research and development of
statistical approaches for identification of ecosystem indicators. We are
interested in supporting research proposals that will make a contribution to
the statistical analysis of large-scale spatio-temporal population
processes, and that apply these methods to an analysis of population and
stream monitoring data available for Pacific Northwest salmonids.  The
post-doctoral fellow will work in collaboration with Eli Holmes (NWFSC) and
Brian Dennis (University of Idaho), and will join a team of statistical and
theoretical ecologists doing basic research on applied management problems.

Necessary qualifications include Ph.D. in Ecology, Statistics, or related
field, training in ecological time series analysis, proven record of
scientific publication, and the ability to work independently.  The
following qualifications are desirable:  R and Matlab programming skill and
aquatic ecology coursework or experience.

About the fellowship.  This is a 1-2 year fellowship administered through
the National Academies Research Associateship Program.  Applicants will need
to apply through the NRC website
( by the August 1, 2006
deadline.  Designate RO# 26.39.02.B5767.  This fellowship is open to non-US
citizens (see visa requirements on the NRC website listed above).

Before applying, contact Eli Holmes at [EMAIL PROTECTED], Northwest
Fisheries Science Center, Mathematical Biology and Systems Monitoring
Program, to discuss possible projects.

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