Reply to Dr. Phil Levin, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Postdoctoral Associate, Ecosystem Modeling at NOAA-Fisheries, Seattle

We are seeking applicants for 2 year postdoctoral positions at the
NOAA's Northwest Fisheries Science Center in Seattle. This postdoc
will play a key role in developing ecosystem simulation models for the
California Current and the Central California Coast. The models will
be used for simulation testing of alternative ecosystem-based
management strategies for this region. In collaboration with
researchers at CSIRO in Australia, we have adopted a modeling
framework ( Atlantis) in which ecosystem dynamics are represented by
spatially-explicit sub-models that simulate hydrographic processes,
biogeochemical factors driving primary production, and food web
relations among functional groups. The model represents key exploited
species at the level of detail necessary to evaluate direct effects of
fishing, and it also represents other anthropogenic and climate
impacts on the ecosystem as a whole. The postdoctoral associate's
primary responsibility will be the development of an Atlantis
ecosystem model of the Central California Coast. This will benefit
from an existing large-scale model of the California Current. Model
building involves a literature review, multiple meetings with
biologists and data managers, model parameterization, calibration,
running scenarios, and documenting and publishing the results. The
postdoc will also be involved in meetings with stakeholders and
managers, identification of management strategies (e.g,. changes in
quotas, MPAs, or gear type), and use of the models as decision support
tools to evaluate these strategies. We are looking for individuals
with a proven track record of publications and collaborative research,
and a strong quantitative background in statistics and computing
(languages such as R, Matlab, or Visual Basic). Experience with food
web modeling and C/C++ is preferred.

We are part of NOAA's Northwest Fisheries Science Center in Seattle
( Our team's goal is to investigate the
ecological interactions and processes necessary to sustain ecosystem
composition, structure and function in the environments in which fish
and fisheries exist. Current members include 5 research scientists and
3 postdocs, with projects ranging from experimental ecology to
ecosystem modeling.
Salary and Benefits $45,000/year plus benefits
Application Deadline: March 7, 2007
Contact Please email a cover letter, curriculum vitae and 3 letters of
recommendation to Dr. Phil Levin [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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