Scientist, Postdoctoral Fellow

Location: Grasslands
Job Number: AGR553
Applications Close 26/05/2007


Postdoctoral Fellow

Providing scientific leadership to the=20
agricultural industry to help promote and achieve=20
an innovative, sustainable and prosperous farming sector in NZ.

AgResearch is a global leader in developing=20
integrated and novel solutions for agriculture=20
and the environment that are important to New Zealand=92s future.

A postdoctoral research position is available in=20
soil science within the Land and Environmental=20
Management section of AgResearch. The project=20
will focus on the impacts of global change on the=20
fertility of New Zealand pastoral soils in=20
particular the consequences of progressive=20
nutrient limitation. The research will use unique=20
experimental facilities =96 the New Zealand FACE=20
facility (now in its 10th year of operation) and=20
natural CO2 springs =96 and will involve=20
collaborative work with FACE experiments in Tasmania and Denmark.

The position would suit a motivated, independent,=20
career-minded scientist with a strong background=20
in soil science and good communication skills.=20
The successful candidate will have a PhD or=20
equivalent degree. Experience in the use of=20
isotopes for the study of C and N biogeochemistry=20
would be desirable. The fellowship will be for an=20
initial period of 2 years with a strong=20
opportunity for subsequent permanent appointment.

Land and Environmental Management is one of three=20
sections in the Agriculture and Environment group=20
of AgResearch. The section specialises in=20
research and development to achieve productivity=20
and environmental goals in the pastoral sector.=20
The global change research team is located at the=20
Grasslands Research Centre in Palmerston North, a=20
university city 30 km from the coast, 2 hours=20
from ski fields and 2 hours from Wellington. The=20
AgResearch Grasslands campus is situated in=20
pleasant rural surroundings with easy access to=20
the city. The area offers many cultural and recreational opportunities.

For further information contact Paul Newton at [EMAIL PROTECTED]
or to apply for this position, please apply on=20
line via our website
by 27 May 2007.

For all enquires regarding this position, please=20
Scientist,%20Postdoctoral%20Fellow>[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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