I am looking for a postdoctoral level Research Associate to join my group at
UC Merced. The position is open immediately, and applications will be
accepted until it is filled.

Lara Kueppers

Research Associate in Climate-Ecosystem Feedbacks
University of California, Merced

Research Associate to join an interdisciplinary study of 
climate-ecosystem feedbacks in the Western United States. The project 
involves both field measurements and modeling of climate-ecosystem 
interactions at the regional scale. Field research involves establishing 
a network of study sites in the Rocky Mountains; collecting carbon, 
water and energy budget data; and interpreting results in the context of 
regional climate change. Modeling work involves customization of the 
dynamic vegetation and land surface components of a regional climate 
model, model validation, and model experiments for past and future time 
periods. The exact project focus will be determined by the 
qualifications and interests of the candidate. The position is available 
immediately. Initial appointment will be one year, with possible renewal 
on a year-to-year basis. Renewal of appointment is contingent on 
performance and availability of funds.

A solid foundation in ecosystem scale field methods, statistics, computer
programming, ecosystem modeling, and/or climate modeling. 
Strong communication and problem solving skills. Demonstrated ability to 
work independently and follow through on assignments with minimal 
supervision. Demonstrated ability to work well with others in a team 
environment. Skill to organize and prioritize a diversified workload 
with attention to detail and multiple deadlines. Effective interpersonal 
skills to establish cooperative working relationships with faculty, 
staff and students. Demonstrated ability to maintain accurate database 
files. Demonstrated ability to operate multiple computing platforms 
(Mac, PC, Linux) and perform data analysis using statistical, GIS and/or 
other scientific software. Demonstrated ability to use or learn 
scientific computing languages (Fortran, NCL). Ph.D. in Ecosystem 
Science, Ecology, Atmospheric Science, Environmental Science, Geography, 
or related field.

Contact Lara M. Kueppers (lkueppers_at_ucmerced_dot_edu) for more information.

Please apply online at 

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