Cousins' is the VERY BEST example I have ever seen of the kind of 
standard I would like to see become more common.

1. A direct, non-evasive, specific, responsive answer to a 
question.  (Redundancy shouldn't be excessive, but irony can 
sometimes lighten things up a bit.)

2. References that lead the reader back to the primary source of the 
answer or claim made or represented (not necessary for clearly 
identified OPINIONS, and theoretical foundations would be equally 

3. Brevity consistent with sufficiency.  (Too much to ask on an 
active listserv, perhaps.  Misteaks are to be expected, as should be 
correctons and rebuttals.)


PS: Are there more?

At 10:37 AM 5/29/2006, Ken Cousins wrote:
> >>> From:    Ii Rosna Tarmidji
> >>> Subject: environmental-related program in USA?
>Ken Cousins
>Harrison Program on the Future Global Agenda
>Department of Government and Politics
>University of Maryland
>College Park, MD 20742
>T: 301-405-6862
>F: 301-314-9690
>"The important thing is not to stop questioning.
>Curiosity has its own reason for existing."
>                                               Albert Einstein
> >>> is there any list of top 100 universities in USA with the best
>environmental-related program (esp. environmental science or natural
>resources management)??
>I'd suggest you check out:
>Romero, A. and H. Eastwood (2002). Not All Are Created Equal: An
>Analysis of the Environmental Programs/Departments in US Academic
>Institutions Until March 2002. St Paul, MN, Environmental Studies
>Program, Macalester College: 17.
>Especially note the link to the Excel database of the data for the
>Hope this helps.

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