The Nevada Natural Heritage Program will be hiring 2 seasonal positions for
vegetation sampling in the Owyhee uplands of Idaho, Oregon, and Nevada.  


The data collection is in support of a remote-sensing project that will map
cheatgrass (Bromus tectorum) throughout the Owyhee Uplands.  But data that
you collect can be available for your own student projects, including theses
or dissertations.


The project part of a larger project funded and coordinated by BLM.  There
is potential to make contacts with BLM employees in all three states and at
various administrative levels.


Applicants should be capable of:

  * working in very remote areas for extended periods

  * enjoying the beautiful serenade of coyote

  * changing flat tires

  * camping under a star-filled sky

  * working in wind or rain

  * pausing to marvel at a post-thunderstorm sunset

  * navigating by GPS and GIS, checking-in by satellite phone

  * basic first-aid and safety awareness

  * identifying by sight the common shrubs and grasses of the region

  * getting along with your co-worker

  * working productively in the great outdoors

  * remaining silent and peaceful when you discover you cannot hear or see
any of the bustle of urban life


A few photos from my work last summer on the southern edge of the Owyhee
Uplands are attached, though they may be dropped from listserv postings.


The start date will be in May (fairly flexible to student schedules) and the
jobs will continue for a period of 3 months.


Jobs will be classified as Conservation Aid 2 and 3.
( - ignore the bit about working knowledge
of fish anatomy, these classes must have begun as Dept. of Wildlife
positions).  Wage will be approximately $11-12/hour for 40 hours/week.
There will also be a per-diem of approximately $25/day when traveling (which
will be almost every day).


Application closing date: TBA (minimum of 2 weeks after formal


Please email or call me if you are interested, and I will ensure that you
receive the announcement.

-Eric Peterson




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