Summer Technician Positions

Positions:      2 or 3 undergraduate technicians from late-May to late-August

Project:        Zebra mussels are an invasive species in the Great 
Lakes region and have now spread to hundreds of inland lakes 
throughout the Midwest with dramatic impacts on these ecosystems.  We 
are investigating the role of zebra mussels in promoting nuisance 
(and potentially toxic) algal blooms in Midwestern lakes through a 
series of experiments ranging from large-scale mesocosms that mimic 
actual lake conditions to laboratory experiments that analyze mussel 
feeding rates and sensitivity to algal toxins.

Site:   Kellogg Biological Station, Hickory Corners, MI, near 
Kalamazoo.  Website:

Responsibilities:       Assist in the construction, deployment and 
maintenance of a large-scale mesocosm experiment in Gull Lake with 
regular field sampling and laboratory analysis.  On occasion, assist 
with small scale experiments in the laboratory.
        Picture  - (
        Previous technician's website - (

Qualifications: Required: courses in biology, ecology, limnology or 
related field; good work ethic; work both independently and as a team.
        Highly desirable: field and/or laboratory experience; 
experience on boats and especially with outboards; SCUBA certification

Salary &        $1200 monthly stipend based on 40 hours/week.  Housing is paid
Housing:        by the project and consists of a comfortable, 
fully-furnished apartment on the shore of Gull Lake.

Contact:        Send resume, cover letter, unofficial transcript and 
contact information of three references to:

        Geoff Horst
        Department of Fisheries and Wildlife
        Michigan State University
        13 Natural Resources
        East Lansing, MI  48824-1222
        Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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