My orginal text:

I am an undergraduate student who will be graduating this March. I was
wondering is there is a similar ListServ that is focused more on the western
U.S. States? I really enjoy the topics and opportunities of this listserv
but feel it's east coast biased, which I understand since it's from the
University of Maryland.

I am interested in workshops, graduate opportunities and employment for
myself and other field biologist students. I am in the Los Angeles area and
am looking to specialize in ornithology, but any opportunities are welcomed
as i am always willing to pass on to qualified people.

Please let me know if there are other listserve's I can be apart of. 

Thank you,

Rena Escobedo

I want to thank all that gave their wisdom to the situation of the west 
coast opportunities. I am still up to hearing more information as it comes. 
I may have narrowed in down to bird suggestions only, but I am interested 
in all disciplines from herpetology, public policy to marine biology. I 
have posted the replies I received below:

I'm originally from northern California, but I don't know of any west coast 
oriented list servers.  But I can suggest some good job/internship websites.

conservation jobs:    



federal jobs:

I hope this helps
Belinda Lo

I have put over 400 URLs of websites with wildlife or environmental job 
opportunities online.  It's sorely outdated, but I am currently working on 
an overhaul that should be completed soon.  The site is located at or via   
The best sites are Texas A&M, Conservation Biology, U-Montana Wildlife 
Dept, TWS-Western Section, etc.  I hope it helps you find some job 
announcements out west.

You might try adding yourself to the Western Section of The Wildlife 
Society list serv. The Western Section is mostly California and Nevada 
folks, so being in Los Angeles might be a good fit for you.

Also, our company is also currently hiring at the Field Biologist level. 
Take a look at our web site in my signature below. If that interests 
you, consider submitting a resume.


You can join birdjobs-L. It's through cornell but has lots of west coast 
birding jobs.

We have MAPS positions open for this summer and other positions too.


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