On a very fundamental level, we agree with evolution because the theory 
was borne out of the scientific process, a process that has made 
possible all of the scientific knowledge we have today. Humans have 
constructed and embraced the scientific process as a rigorous, critical, 
objective manner in which to gain all scientific knowledge. To deny 
evolutionary theory, you must also deny medicine, electricity, 
thermodynamics, and all other products of the scientific process. We 
have no choice but to accept evolutionary theory until an alternate 
hypothesis with equal support, explanatory power, and predictive 
capability comes along.

Damon Ely
Ph.D. Candidate
Department of Biology
2119 Derring Hall
Virginia Tech
Blacksburg, VA 24061
Office: 1027 Derring Hall


Making the simple complicated is commonplace; making the complicated simple, 
awesomely simple, thatÂ’s creativity.
—Charles Mingus

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