I'd like to announce Knowledge Discovery Central (Preview), my attempt at
creating a new Web portal dedicated to knowledge and information discovery
from data. I'm collecting relevant links from Statistics, Biostatistics,
Data Mining, Machine Learning, Knowledge Discovery in Databases,
Lots of interesting replies.
A. The "community" Denis Roberts refers to wants statistics to tell them
which is better, which of two models is the correct one, how much more will
method B cost me,then method A, which process do I use that will make me
more money, which is the best advertisment str
Thanks to all who replied.
I did find Aiken and West's "Multiple Regression: Testing and Interpreting
Iteractions" at one of our local libraries. It's exactly what I was
looking for.
This list is open to everyone
Then, follow up your t test with a statement of the effect size and its
associated confidence interval.
---Jerry Zar
>>> dennis roberts <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 04/07 2:46 pm >>>
i was not suggesting taking away from our arsenal of tricks ... but,
i was one of those old guys too ... i am won