If you are using ANCOVA  then the base score is the covariate and the final 
score the criterion. ANCOVA is generally preferred to ANOVA on gain scores.

John Ambrose
University of the Virgin Islands
St. Thomas VI 00802

At 10:26 AM 9/25/01 +0000, Morelli Paolo wrote:
>HI all,
>I have to analyse some clinical data. In particular the analysis is a
>comparison between two groups of the mean change baseline to endpoint of a
>score. The statistician who planned the analysis used the ANCOVA on the mean
>change, using as covariate the baseline values of the scores.
>Do you think this analysis is correct?
>I thing that in this way we are correcting twice. I think that the right
>analysis is an ANOVA on the mean change.
>Please let me know your opinion
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