Re: ranging opines about the range

2001-10-05 Thread Jonathan Robbins
its can't use stones as however reluctantly we are now metricated. Selling things in pounds and stones is against the law - though I suppose that using the measure is not - yet! I just tell students I'm B.C. - Before Centimetres. - Jonathan Robbins > > Suppose I have three me

Setting bounds for repeatability of scores

2001-08-18 Thread Jonathan Robbins
he session mean for a single examiner with - A the grand mean for all that examiners scores and - B, the session mean for that single examiner with the grand mean for the population of examiners. The basic question is - Are A & B within the +/- 3% bounds? If yes = accept, if no = check and adjust

outside of class work and grading

1999-12-27 Thread Jonathan Robbins
because they are capable of so many meanings as to be misleading. *Fewer and better measures* would be a good resolution for many faculties to adopt for the New Year. My thanks to the regular contributors to this group from whom I have learned a great deal in the last 18 months or so. Enjoy the next century and greetings from Dorset, England. -- Jonathan Robbins