Psychometrics Listserv

2000-04-18 Thread ethan arenson
can post to the list. To subscribe, send an email to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] In the body of the message type:subscribe psychometrics To submit a post, send an email to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Best wishes, and have a great time in New Orleans! Ethan Ar

partitioning error variance in linear regression

2000-04-14 Thread ethan arenson
hi. suppose you have a simple linear regression model, i.e., y-hat = b0 + b1*x. Is it possible to partition the variance of the model into (1) variance due to estimating the coefficients, and (2) pure (random) variance? have a great day ! :) ethan ==


2000-01-21 Thread Ethan Arenson
Some listservs have the option of only allowing subscribers to post to the list. Any non-subscriber posts get bounced to the list owner. Is this feature an option for this list? Terry Byron wrote: > This is a test message to see if a new "message" footer is working. > Due to a number of complain