The NJ Chapter of the American Statistical Association
                     21st Annual Spring Symposium

                        In Honor of Colin L. Mallows:
         Celebrating a Lifetime of Contributions to Statistics

                             Thursday, June 8, 2000
                               AT&T Shannon Labs
                               Auditorium Bldg 103
                                   180 Park Ave, 
                                 Florham Park, NJ

                                   [973] 360-7370

                                 Invited Speakers:
                          David Andrews, U Toronto
                          Leo Breiman, UC Berkeley
                          David Brillinger, UC Berkeley
                          William Cleveland, Bell Labs
                      S.R. Dalal, Telcordia Technologies
                           Lorraine Denby, Bell Labs
                           Persi Diaconis, Stanford U
                             Jim Landwehr, Bell Labs
                           Colin Mallows, AT&T Labs
                              Organizing Committee:

                                   Daryl Pregibon
                                       Vijay Nair
                                  Winston Richards
                                   Matilde Sanchez      

   ===========( REGISTRATION FORM)============
    Phone __________________________________________
    email ___________________________________________

     Enclose a check payable to: New Jersey Chapter, ASA 
         ____ $50 (member)
         ____ $57 (non-member)
         ____ $77 (after June 5)
         ____ $25 returees with pre-registration
         ____ $retirees without registration
         ____ $0/free (students with pre-registration)

     and return check and form to:

                   Marcia Hoppe
                   AT&T Shannon Labs
                   Rm E111, Bldg 103
                   180 Park Ave
                   Florham Park, NJ 07932


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