in what way are the Q values (critical) and t ... connected?

someone pointed out that Q = t * sqrt 2 ... for example, doing a tukey 
follow up test ... with 3 means and 27 df for mserror ... the critical (.95 
one tail) value for Q is about 3.51 (note: the mtb output shows this cv of 

now, that means that t * sqrt 2 = 3.51 ... or, t will equal about 2.48 in 
this case

in minitab, doing a onew anova ... or glm ... with tukey as the paired 
comparison method ... the 95% CI for the paired difference in means (for 
the problem i was working with) did go from (mean difference) +/- 2.48 * 
stan error of the difference

my question is ... how would we go to the standard t table ... and find a t 
value like 2.48 in a situation with the df value we have above ... 27 ... 
or knowing that we have 3 means to compare?

that is ... how would someone know how to construct this 95% CI ... that 
mtb prints out when doing tukey follow up tests? ...

dennis roberts, educational psychology, penn state university
208 cedar, AC 8148632401, mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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