Job Posting #500301  at University Job Bank website

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Announces openings for the following continuing instructional and
administration position(s) for the 2000-2001 academic year. Salary
range for a two semester faculty contract is $33,637 to $46,643 (for 99-
00 academic year).

Statistics Instructor (vacancy FCMMAT24)
Requires a master's degree in statistics, or related area. Successful
teaching experience is required.

Studio Art Instructor (vacancy FCCART01)
Requires a master's degree in art, painting, drawing, or related area.
Successful teaching experience is required.

Director of Science & Mathematics Division (vacancy EXMDIR01)
Responsible for administering the instructional programs in science &
mathematics, to include biology, physics, earth science, mathematics
and related areas. Requires a minimum of a master's degree in a field
of mathematics or science, and administrative experience at the
Department Chair level or above. The position reports to the Vice
President for Educational Services and provides academic leadership for
38 full time faculty and over 100 adjunct faculty. Salary range
$56,830 - $73,580, commensurate with qualifications and experience.

A completed Tallahassee Community College (instructional or
administrator application, as appropriate) with supporting documents is
required. Résumés are supplemental to the application. Official or
unofficial transcripts and letters of reference should be forwarded as
outlined on the last page of the TCC application. Applications must be
received no later than Monday, May 22, 2000, or postmarked no later
than May 19, 2000.
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