This post is rather long, sorry.

I have started a new listserv ... called INTROSTAT-L ... that will be 
housed here at Penn State, and uses the list server Here is 
a brief explanation of what the purpose of the list is, and information 
about who the list has been primarily designed for.

You might want to have a look at my initial description of the nature of 
this list below. But, here is a way you can join the list.

Send an email message in THIS format:


You don't have to do anything else. Let me know if you have problems.

It seems to me that a valuable service of a list would be to be structured 
approximately like a COURSE in statistics, and that is what is behind the 
creation of INTROSTAT-L. INTROSTAT-L will present and sequence material 
that is commonly presented in a general purpose (perhaps more social 
science oriented) introductory course in statistics. Most of the topics 
will be rather traditional and will include things like:

Organization of data/ Averages/ Variability/ Measures of location
Scatterplots and correlation/ Simple reqression/ Sampling from populations
Sampling error of means/ Inferences about means/ Inferences about frequency 
data/ Errors in hyp testing and basic notion of power

Now, we can debate until we are blue in the face whether this is the right 
'set' of content or not. I don't want to get into that debate.

The basic strategy will be to offer, from this end, some introductory 
material about a topic, and then welcome other input from subscribers about 
that topic. At the moment, I am working with 1 or 2 others to be more 
regular contributors who will add observations and examples, as follow ups 
to my initial posting. Then, the list in general is welcomed to chime in. 
After a topic has more or less 'run its course', I will start an 
introduction to the next topic and we will move on.

Here are a few notes about this process:

1. This will NOT be a list (like EDSTAT for example) where it is 
commonplace to POSE questions. The list is not a question and answer 
source. Rather, the main purpose is to present sequenced discussion about 
intro stat course topics.
2. The list will stress the ARCHIVING function as a means for subscribers 
to gather information about previous topics.
3. This is deliberately a low tech operation ... in that, the vast majority 
of the discussion will be in TEXT form on the list. Now and then, as is 
warranted by the content, I MAY place some material on my website ... for 
example, it is rather difficult to show a regression LINE on screen in a 
text file.
4. For SURE, from time to time, web links will be mentioned for people to 
consider visiting.
5. I will use Minitab as the software for showing simple examples. Again, I 
will do it in such a way as to be able to include my output on the email 
screen ... and not rely on fancier versions of graphs, etc.

Who Can Join:

Anyone can join but, you MUST join the list. I am particularly interested 
in having STUDENTS (perhaps graduate students mainly) join who are in 
courses related to introductory statistics. Students are welcomed! And, 
they can contribute IF they have something to add to our general postings 
about a topic. However, again ... this is NOT a list where we accept basic 
questions being posed, about a disparate and unconnected set of topics.

Please pass along this message to other colleagues who might be interested 
and also to students (announce in classes if you want) you know who might 
find it valuable to look in and/or might like to participate in such a 
list. Also, you may REpost to other lists if you think appropriate.

If you have ANY questions about the list, please don't hesitate to send me 
a note. I am sure that this will be an evolving enterprise and, all will 
not be perfect. But, hopefully we will learn and revise, and the goal is to 
make the list a useful one for those interested in learning about 
introductory statistics, or wanting to refresh ones self or for those who 
might want to contribute to the discussions about various topics. 

  This list is open to everyone. Occasionally, people lacking respect
  for other members of the list send messages that are inappropriate
  or unrelated to the list's discussion topics. Please just delete the
  offensive email.

  For information concerning the list, please see the following web page:

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