Cool! There IS still a place in this world for Minitab Character Graphs. :)
dennis roberts wrote:
> how come when you do a pdf on a unit norm distribution and one say, where
> mean is 100 and sd = 15 ... you get different pdf values along the Y
> axis??? is it just because the lenght of the cont
On Wed, 5 Apr 2000, dennis roberts wrote:
> how come when you do a pdf on a unit norm distribution and one say, where
> mean is 100 and sd = 15 ... you get different pdf values along the Y
> axis??? is it just because the lenght of the continuity along X is
> narrower/wider?
Area under a pdf,
how come when you do a pdf on a unit norm distribution and one say, where
mean is 100 and sd = 15 ... you get different pdf values along the Y
axis??? is it just because the lenght of the continuity along X is
C2 - * * *