I wonder if anyone else out there in subscriber-world has Python
Programming for Biology, by Stevens and Boucher.

I'm enjoying it and learning a lot.  PDB files...

On page 75 this is given as the wrong way to pass a function for which you
wish to set up some default parameters:

def jobFunc(arg1, errorFunc('Warning', color='Red')) # Wrong

I agree that's wrong because we don't want to be calling the function it
this time merely passing it in as an object still uncalled, arguments

This errorFunc collapses to an object, gets evaluated prematurely.

But then the "right way" (same page) is given as:

def jobFunc(arg1, lambda: errorFunc('Warning', color="red')):

I'd say that's wrong too as we've not bound this function to a name, so how
in the function body is errorFunc to be triggered?  No object is queued.

I'd go with:

def jobFunc(arg1, to_do = lambda x='Warning', color='red': errorFunc(x,

which gives the caller a way to override the defaults and not use errorFunc
at all maybe.

Otherwise, if the defaults are acceptable, just call to_do() in the body,
with no args, and all will be well.

Another pattern:

def jobFunc(arg1, message = 'Warning', color='red'):
    # ...
        # etc. -- whatever it is that might not work
        errorFunc(message, color)

That's assuming errorFunc is always appropriate and we're only concerned to
maybe override its default arguments.

That could work too.

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