A lot of our archived debates centered around how we might redesign
(reform) the curriculum in light of computer languages, Python in

What I'm coming to lately is emphasizing arbitrary precision e.g. pi to
literally a thousand places, as an especially attractive feature of
computers in general.

Mere calculators don't usually do arbitrary precision (I remember one Casio
(?) with a scrolled display), but seem more reliable in giving the expected
grade school results vs. answers we might get from using floating points
(IEEE 754), which bring their own form of disillusionment.

In other words, in going from a basic math topic, such as irrational
numbers, to computers, why not emphasize the extrapolation of our
algorithms to large numbers of decimal digits?  Lets compute Phi as (1 +
sqrt(5))/2 to hundreds of digits and check published sources (such
multi-digit comparisons might mean converting to strings).

We've done stuff like that around pi here on edu-sig, computing from
algorithms (one of Ramanujan's in particular).

These arbitrary precision numbers may not have much use in scientific and
engineering applications (because nothing gets measured to that degree of
precision) but I'm talking about bridging from math, so-called "pure math"
in particular.

My approach of late has been to use geometric objects (volumes,
polyhedrons) and check that our computations may be exact to several
hundred decimal points thanks to Python's Decimal.

I also use the 3rd party gmpy2 library.

Here's an essay on Medium if you'd like to read more:

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