Per usual, we're awash in useful tools, many free, but so little time to
learn to use them, it seems.  And they all keep evolving.

Along those lines:  REPL.IT, favored by many a Python teacher, yet so
little explored by me.  Like with LinkedIn and so many of these Web 2.0
tools, we get so many cool features.

Make a Python program public, using 3.8.1 (that's very current now in March
2020), runnable code, blog embeddable.

Use a Share feature to create a public Notification.

Examples, two of mine from today (tested to work fine on Facebook):

Remember to use Markdown to markup these Notifications (which you can
re-edit), same as here on edu-sig where Markdown is the new normal, right?

On the first one, I used an embedded asterisk a lot, for Python
multiplication, only to discover what I learned about the new edu-sig:
Markdown is your friend.


PS:  shout out to Jake Vanderplas, the Pycon keynote speaker in Portland
that time, who gets my Stupendous Python Teacher Award. @jakevp

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