Greetings all.

Good to see some of you at the Edu Summit.
Many thank you to the organizers for allowing
me to join in the end.

Andre gave a fabulous talk on friendly, the
enhanced, multi-lingual traceback explainer.

My lightning talk came at the end.  For those who
couldn't be there, I'm fleshing it out a bit more
on Youtube -- still in under 5 minutes.
Lightning Talk (in connection with Edu Summit, Pycon 2021)

We talked a lot about data science, wherein
data visualization is key.  Everyone wants to
learn pandas.

My own curriculum development efforts, informed
by real experience teaching at these grade levels,
focuses on a different kind of "graph", namely the
polyhedrons (edges, nodes...) and 3D graphics more

That's another kind of visualization, as distinct from
data visualization, that computers are in principle
good at.  We can get there with Python, with Blender
perhaps, so another ray tracer solution.[1]

However we still integrate well with data science
and such, as such tabular structures as provided
by pandas & SQL provide a logical way to store
our polyhedrons.  Relationally.  With edges and
vertices stored separately from the summary rows
i.e. the actual polys by name ("cube"), with V, F, E
(8, 6, 12), maybe relative volumes [2], and tags, like
Platonic, Archimedean, Johnson, Uniform, Space-Filler,
Dual of [ ] etc. etc.


[1] e.g. check out Adrian's anti-prism which I've compiled
for a Raspberry Pi.  Not written in Python, but does
output in .pov format for rendering, which is what a
lot of my scripts also do.  A great way to learn XYZ
coordinates and more, no?

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