S'been some time since I reintroduced myself on edu-sig, which remains an
important stash in my "lexiverse" e.g. I have quite a few links into it
(from blogs etc.), pointing back to old discussions and debates,
collections of links (e.g. by Wes Turner) and so on.

In contrast, one of my other main stashes of similar postings was at Math
Forum, math-teach (the publicly archived listserv) in particular, and that
is no more. Math Forum started at Swarthmore College (PA) then was
acquired by Drexel (Philadelphia) and I believe is today managed by the
NCTM (the K-12 math teacher association). mathforum.org

All those discussion groups got wiped (even the archives were removed). All
of which is to say, I'm glad for the relative longevity of Python.org sig
archives in general. At the height of my influence at Math Forum, we had a
whole page on Quadrays, one of those esoteric / obscure topics I like to
use Python for.

https://flic.kr/p/KjMqQP  (screenshot)

Here's a Table of Contents for my most recent Github repo. The entire
4dsolutions.net repo specializes in curriculum development.


On the ground, I'm often field testing the materials, through different
teaching roles e.g. O'Reilly as a full time Python teacher; adult Python
for Californians with jobs in IT (Saisaft's demographic); Coding with Kids
(before and through start of pandemic); Sunshine Elite Education
(accelerated private school accredited to teach Oregonians); Clarusway (I
taught data analysis and visualization courses for them, adding to their
pre-existing curriculum).

I'm a veteran of many Pycons and a few EuroPythons (Gothenburg, Vilnius),
overlapping a lot with Steve Holden, a former PSF director and chairman
nowadays in the UK but at one time a denizen of Portland, my home town and
center of open source activities, including O'Reilly's OSCON and OS Bridge.
Here on edu-sig, a bunch of us were active in creating a Python in Schools
or Python in Education track with its own events during Pycons. Those were
fun (the ones I got to).

One of my early roles in the Math Wars (debates about maths curriculum) was
to push for laptops and more Python use in the schools. That happened, as
we turned out to be a large army, boosted by the affordability of free open
source software. I came from a full time math teaching background (geometry
thru calc at a Catholic academy) from Princeton, philosophy focus, before
that (Class of 1980).

I'm a big fan of using other-than-floating-point numbers ala Mathematica,
when teaching high school math topics using Python. A lot of my content is
spatially geometric (a theme going back in this archive, in discussions
with one Arthur Siegal especially, https://pygeo.sourceforge.net ).

I'm still blogging a lot, doing YouTubes and so on, looking forward to

The public archive I post the most to these days, hosted by a math PhD in
Lithuania, is connected through the Github repo.

Something fun:  https://econgoat.ai/en

Kirby Urner
usa.or.pdx (Portland)
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