Chères et chers collègues,
Mogens Chrom Jacobsen, Oleg Bresky et moi-même sommes ravi(e)s de vous convier à la 7ème séance du séminaire de recherche en philosophie & esthétique *« Esthétique environnementale et citoyenneté » *(Université Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne, École des arts de la Sorbonne, Nordic Summer University, European Humanities University / J. Althusius Institute, Lituanie, Aarhus University, Danemark). Nous avons le plaisir de recevoir : *Vendredi 29 mars 2019 de 18h30 à 20h30* Oliver Kauffmann, Associate Professor, Head of Department for Philosophy of Education and General Education, Aarhus University, Denmark « Limits of description for Man on planet Earth » Bruno Latour, in his book Où atterrir? Comment s’orienter en politique (2017), lends us a diagnosis of the Trump era, which highlights the climate debate as a war, and all other geopolitical problems as related to this war. Donald Trump’s decision to withdraw from the Paris accords 2015 and the extensive rise of protective nationalist movements, emphasize the inertness of Modernism’s idea about Globalization and the need for geopolitics to look elsewhere in order to answer the question: What to do? Latour’s answer is to look at man’s belonging to a territory, to a ‘soil’, in order to, in the first place, describe how ‘the earthly’, matérialité, the belongingness, is put together. Painstaking description necessarily precedes political action, he declares. But how? In my presentation, I take up Latour’s stance of earthly description, the turn towards ‘the archaic’, his dismissal of ‘a view from nowhere’, ‘a view from out there’ and of corresponding frames of mind like naturalism, scientism, one-eyed rationalism and ‘Galileism’. Latour is probably right, that the geopolitical change from his suggested perspective would be powerless considered as a philosophical idea, and his critique of those stances is probably sound – in particular from the perspective of phenomenology. It is not clear, however, through which of the well-known scientific and epistemic endeavors we would be able to achieve the suggested ‘new earthly grounding’. In my presentation I take a close and critical look at Latour’s proposed ‘Earthly stance’, the peculiar perspective from which it makes sense to say “die Ur-Erde bewegt sich nicht” (Husserl), and to which a hope for a future geopolitics might be attached. Oliver Kauffmann is Associate Professor and Head of Department of Philosophy of Education & General Education, Aarhus University. His research area lies between philosophy of mind and epistemology, with a particular focus on forms and functions of consciousness, implicit learning and the controversies in sociology of science on explicit and implicit forms of knowledge. Other research topics include Left Hegelianism, Albert Camus’ authorship and pragmatism. Publications include papers in Journal of Consciousness Studies and Behavioral and Brain Sciences. He has been a visiting scholar at New York University and an invited speaker on several occasions, including at Université de Nancy, at School of Advanced Study (University of London), at The Ockham Society (Oxford University), at The City University of New York and at Xiamen University.*.* *Lieu * École des arts de la Sorbonne, Centre Saint Charles, 47 rue des Bergers, 75015 Paris, *Salle 251* Nous serons ravi(e)s de vous compter parmi les nôtres. Neli Dobreva, Mogens Chrom Jacobsen, Oleg Bresky Pour le programme veuillez trouver ci-joint l’affiche du séminaire. Pour consulter le programme détaillé avec les résumés des intervenants & l’argument du séminaire veuillez consulter notre site : Pour toute information complémentaire et *confirmation de présence* : N’hésitez pas à faire circuler l’information dans vos réseaux. Neli Dobreva, ATER, École des arts de la Sorbonne, Université Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne -- No attachments (even text) are allowed -- -- Type: application/pdf -- File: Flyveblad_Kauffmann.pdf -- Pour toute question, la FAQ de la liste se trouve ici: