Chères et Chers Collègues Jeudi 18 novembre à 16h, heure de Paris, aura lieu dans notre webinaire LARA une conférence de Laurent Lafforgue (Médaille Fields 2002), sur la critique faite par Grothendieck au scientisme, qu'il qualifie de "nouvelle église universelle". Tout le monde est bienvenu. Il suffit de cliquer sur le lien pour s'inscrire. Cordiales salutations Jean-Yves Beziau Vice-Président de LARA (Logic And Religion Association) >-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IS SCIENTISM THE NEW UNIVERSAL CHURCH? November 18, 2021, 4pm CET Speaker: Laurent Lafforgue (Institut des Hautes Etudes Scientifiques, France) Chair: Snezana Lawrence (Middlesex University, UK) Abstract: In a text of 1971 entitled "The New Universal Church", the famous mathematician Alexander Grothendieck defended that through a process of imperialist expansion, science has created an ideology of its own, scientism, that has many of the features of a new religion. He called it "La Nouvelle Eglise Universelle". How does Grothendieck's text against scientism and the imperialism of science relate to his thought? How does it relate to his mathematics as well as to his ideas about religions ? Can it be said that Grothendieck had become against science or that, in some sense, he had always been against some form of science? These are some of the questions that will be addressed in this webinar.
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