Re: [Efw-user] EFW Community

2007-08-29 Thread h h
I actually thought about starting a site 6-7 months ago when I first found EFW but wasn't sure there would be much interest. I'd love to see some of the smoothwall mods made to compatible with efw as well as more known in the U.S. I own a hosting business and could host the site as well but I don'

Re: [Efw-user] EFW Community

2007-08-29 Thread Igor Mikolic-Torreira
I started trying to capture all the loose contributions and patches I found at little web site I created at I would be happy to fold in everything there into something like you suggest. Igor Tarrant Marshall wrote: > I would be happy to jump on bo

Re: [Efw-user] EFW Community

2007-08-29 Thread Tarrant Marshall
I would be happy to jump on board with this, i could offer some hosting as well. I know i myself have done a few mod/patches that have either not gone in yet or not really available to others without going on to the bug tracker. Tarrant - "h h" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > Curious if anybod

[Efw-user] EFW Community

2007-08-29 Thread h h
Curious if anybody else would be interested in developing a community site similar to where all of these third party mods and tips could be found in one place. - This email is sponsore

Re: [Efw-user] Install Freezes on a Dell Optiplex 320

2007-08-29 Thread compdoc
Well, at this point, I think it would wise to narrow it down. Switch to a single IDE drive, and disconnect the sata. And disable the onboard nic. Then try to load. If it works, try it with one sata, or turn on the onboard. -Original Message- From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTE

Re: [Efw-user] Install Freezes on a Dell Optiplex 320

2007-08-29 Thread wharfratjoe
it does it after it actually starts loading the OS from the CD, and then I get the message compdoc wrote: > > Where does the message " isapnp Scanning for PnP cards" come from? > > Is that a message the Dell displays before it starts to boot, or does it > actually start loading the OS from the

Re: [Efw-user] Block download

2007-08-29 Thread Igor Mikolic-Torreira
If you use Patricio Bruna's extension of EFW for Squid custom ACLs, this can indeed done via the web interface. Patricio's info is at: If you prefer, you can get his stuff all packaged and bundled as an RPM at: http://alumnus.calt

Re: [Efw-user] Block download

2007-08-29 Thread Thomas Heimann
application/octet-stream will block all binary formats. The affected extensions are listet in /etc/squid/mime.conf For a more granular blocking try this: But that's not a webinterface job. Thomas >>> "Thomas Heimann" <[EMAIL PROTEC

Re: [Efw-user] Block download

2007-08-29 Thread Thomas Heimann
No. application/octet-stream has to be inserted to block .exe But then you should the urls for windows update from proxy usage. Otherwise windows update won't work anymore. Thomas >>> Carlos Wagner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> schrieb am 28.8.2007 um 18:41 in Nachricht <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: > **application

Re: [Efw-user] Install Freezes on a Dell Optiplex 320

2007-08-29 Thread compdoc
Where does the message " isapnp Scanning for PnP cards" come from? Is that a message the Dell displays before it starts to boot, or does it actually start loading the OS from the CD, and then you get that message? -Original Message- From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On B