El día Saturday, May 04, 2013 a las 05:36:42PM +0200, Matthias Apitz escribió:

> I have used a GTK+ tutorial and hacked together a small C pgm (attached)
> which can be compiled with:
> $ gcc -g image.c `pkg-config --cflags --libs gtk+-3.0` -o image
> and can launched with any Gnome image as 1st argument, for example:
> $ ./image document-open-recent
> which just should bring up the image in a box. What I now see and
> have certain is:
> a) some images work while others not (at the moment I do not have a rule
> or idea why);
> b) in no case the name of the image PNG file is directly visible in
> truss or strace, i.e. this must be accessed in some other way;
> HIH to nail down the problem.

It helped. It turned out that one needs to run a Gnome daemon in

$ /usr/local/libexec/gnome-settings-daemon &

This runs per default if you have a Gnome desktop in Linux or FreeBSD,
but does not run automatically if one uses KDE. After launching it, all
is fine, all the icons are working in my small app and in ekiga. Perhaps
the GTK is asking the gnome-settings-daemon for the icon files and so
they do not appear in the truss/strace output.

I will update the Wiki with this.

Maybe it helps as well to fix the same problem on win32 (can't help on
this, because I "only" have FreeBSD).

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