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* Reviews Written by
Donald N. Hilton
(Jacksonville, Fl USA) *


* The Party's Over: Oil, War and the Fate of Industrial
*by Richard Heinberg

I'm sure that the economists would debate just about every point made by Mr.
Heinberg in this (end of the world as we know it) book but the author offers
justification and factual evidence for almost every claim made.

Since I was born, the population of the world has grown from two billion to
almost seven billion and this population explosion corresponds exactly with
our industrialized society's almost total dependence on oil and coal for
food production, transportation, heating and cooling our homes,
manufacturing products and transporting them to market and just about
everything else the US and other advanced nations do.

All of this growth has been happening because we have been discovering more
oil than we are currently using. This will end within 5 or 10 years and all
the readily available oil on earth will be gone within 30 years. Oil shale
(organic marlstone) is not the answer because it takes more energy to get
the oil from the stone than the end product plus you wind up with more waste
that the raw materials you started with.

If we had started planning for this when OPEC shut down our supply in 1973
and part of 1974 in retaliation for our support of Israel during the
Arab-Israei war, much of the coming crisis could have been avoided but we
all remember what happened to President Carter when he started talking about
conservation. Reagan was elected and no politician since has followed
Carter's path. Now it is time to pay.

The author gives us *two ways to cope with the upcoming crisis*: We can *join
the international community and try and make the transition from fossil
fuels to other sources as smoothly as possible* or we can *continue to try
and maintain our priviledged status even as our civilization falls*. The
United States currently has 5% of the world's population and the majority of
*the weapons of war*.

Since *we are at war right now in Iraq* and Iraq is supposed to have the
second highest oil resources in the middle east, I believe the choice has
already been made.

If my father was a member of "The Greatest Generation", *I am ashamed to
admit I am a member of the worst generation*. I pray that Mr. Heinberg is
wrong but *I am afraid that my children and grandchildren will hate each and
every one of us "baby boomers" who wasted all these resources and left them

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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