I cannot reply to any posts. I keep getting: Email issue -- Unknown Reply

Any status on the existing issues?


On May 12, 2015 5:47 PM, "Leslie Hawthorn" <leslie.hawth...@elastic.co>

> It is entirely possible some of these items can be fixed. Investigating.
> Thank you for the candid feedback, Doug, Ivan and Jörg.
> Cheers,
> LH
> On Mon, May 11, 2015 at 10:24 PM, joergpra...@gmail.com <
> joergpra...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> +1 for Doug and Ivan
>> I'd also like to find the real names (which are available at Discuss
>> because they are shown in the profile of a user) being added to the message
>> view and the mail "From" header, for a more personal communication style.
>> It would be easier to begin a reply with a greeting then.
>> Hopefully this is received as a constructive feedback and not as moaning
>> about Discuss software.
>> Best,
>> Jörg
>> On Mon, May 11, 2015 at 12:03 AM, Doug Turnbull <
>> dturnb...@opensourceconnections.com> wrote:
>>> Oh! I didn't see that. Thank you. I will look again.
>>> Yeah I actually like many things about discourse. I also like many of
>>> the low friction aspects of a mailing list. I am worried my email
>>> sounds too negative. I should list positives like great markdown support
>>> and much prettier and more legible emails. Discourse is phenomenal forum
>>> software. I honestly hope they can really bridge the gap effortlessly to
>>> have as part of their capabilities truly effortless implementation of a dev
>>> mailing list with an optional forum view.
>>> I'm sure I'll be using discourse to great effect (and it seems to be
>>> being used). So I could be completly wrong about all my points. :)
>>> Doug
>>> On Sunday, May 10, 2015, Ivan Brusic <i...@brusic.com> wrote:
>>>> I should have added something similar to what does expressed in his
>>>> last paragraph. My feedback was meant to be constructive. Despite this
>>>> being a technical mailing list, I still appreciate a more personal touch.
>>>> BTW, Doug, you can watch specific categories. There is a general
>>>> watch-all setting that you might have turned on.
>>>> Ivan
>>>> On May 10, 2015 2:37 PM, "Doug Turnbull" <
>>>> dturnb...@opensourceconnections.com> wrote:
>>>>> I agree.
>>>>> While I appreciate the experimentation, I hope discourse can get to a
>>>>> point where I can forget it's even a forum. Whereby everything can just
>>>>> truly feel like a native mailing list with a great deal less friction, but
>>>>> it's not there yet.
>>>>> Here's some of the missing features:
>>>>> - a signup process that's more an email subscription (just paste in an
>>>>> email address) without having to create any kind of forum account or
>>>>> profile.
>>>>> - the ability to reply to someone individually to their email address.
>>>>> The ability for others to email me directly without discourses PM feature.
>>>>> - It needs the ability to subscribe per topic. Things are a bit noisy
>>>>> right now (ie I'm not interested in log stash)
>>>>> - eliminate "noreply" in the email notifications. I don't feel like I
>>>>> should participate via email when I see this. Give it a friendly name.
>>>>> Right now use via email feels second class. But I think it's the most
>>>>> important thing. I'm likely to scan my low priority inbox where mailing
>>>>> list emails are sent. I'm going to struggle to remember to check in on and
>>>>> participate in a forum to help folks. It's another place to go and all my
>>>>> other OSS mailing lists come to my email and I can work with them
>>>>> seemlessly. So I'm likely to forget to check or possibly not want to 
>>>>> bother
>>>>> with elastic which uses a different system.
>>>>> Yes, I do get the notifications, but it doesn't quite feel the same as
>>>>> a mailing list for the reasons above. It feels like a notification from
>>>>> another system.
>>>>> Anyway long and frank email. Forgive the bluntness. I just wanted to
>>>>> express hopefully useful feedback. I do appreciate the thoughtfulness
>>>>> here. I know elastic and discourse folks are very smart. Email truly can
>>>>> become a first class experience and keep some of the great things about
>>>>> discourse.
>>>>> Cheers!
>>>>> Doug
>>>>> On Sunday, May 10, 2015, Ivan Brusic <i...@brusic.com> wrote:
>>>>>> I really do not care for the new mailing list.
>>>>>> First of all, I can no longer see real names and email addresses. All
>>>>>> I see is whatever nonsensical handle someone choose on sign up. Searching
>>>>>> for Adrien no longer returns his latest posts.
>>>>>> Second, since every email comes from nore...@discuss.elastic.co, I
>>>>>> can no longer see who replied to a thread. All I see is the handle of the
>>>>>> original poster. I can see the reply counts, but have no idea who the
>>>>>> replies are from.
>>>>>> Add both of these issues together, and the list has now become very
>>>>>> impersonal.
>>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>>> Ivan
>>>>>>  On May 5, 2015 10:49 AM, "Leslie Hawthorn" <
>>>>>> leslie.hawth...@elastic.co> wrote:
>>>>>>> Sadly, we cannot twibble bit to allow certain types of links but not
>>>>>>> others.
>>>>>>> However, we can adjust the forum settings to allow users to include
>>>>>>> links in their posts from the start of using the forum. I've done so. 
>>>>>>> Let
>>>>>>> us know if you have any further issues.
>>>>>>> And, to reiterate what Tyler said earlier, it would be super awesome
>>>>>>> to put this feedback in the Meta Elastic category.[0]
>>>>>>> Why you may ask?
>>>>>>> 1) Employees from Discourse are keeping an eye on our forum to help
>>>>>>> us help you have a good experience. They're not reading this list, 
>>>>>>> though.
>>>>>>> 2) Trying for the single source of truth mentioned in my original
>>>>>>> post.
>>>>>>> Thank you to everyone for the great feedback so far!
>>>>>>> [0] - https://discuss.elastic.co/c/meta or via email discuss+meta
>>>>>>> [at] elastic [dot] co
>>>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>>>> LH
>>>>>>> On Tue, May 5, 2015 at 12:57 AM, Nikolas Everett <nik9...@gmail.com>
>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>> I think github and pastebins/gists shouldn't be considered against
>>>>>>>> the limit. We ask people to use gist all the time and github issue or 
>>>>>>>> code
>>>>>>>> links are a good thing to use as well.
>>>>>>>> On May 4, 2015 5:40 PM, "joergpra...@gmail.com" <
>>>>>>>> joergpra...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Thanks Shaunak,
>>>>>>>>> I appreciate that. I think it would be more than welcome to let
>>>>>>>>> others of the community also take the advantage of including Github 
>>>>>>>>> issues
>>>>>>>>> into the forum software which contain numerous links:
>>>>>>>>> https://discuss.elastic.co/t/link-level-in-a-post/151
>>>>>>>>> Best,
>>>>>>>>> Jörg
>>>>>>>>> On Mon, May 4, 2015 at 11:05 PM, <shau...@elastic.co> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> Hey Jörg,
>>>>>>>>>> I've removed this restriction from your account. You should be
>>>>>>>>>> able to post more than 2 links in a post now :)
>>>>>>>>>> Shaunak
>>>>>>>>>> On Monday, May 4, 2015 at 2:07:14 PM UTC-5, Jörg Prante wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> It does not work. I can not post messages with links.
>>>>>>>>>>> After I try to post a new topic such as
>>>>>>>>>>> ----- snip----
>>>>>>>>>>> To all of you who want to sneak at the features planned for ES
>>>>>>>>>>> 2.0, this issue collects some of it
>>>>>>>>>>> https://github.com/elastic/elasticsearch/issues/9970
>>>>>>>>>>> Best,
>>>>>>>>>>> Jörg
>>>>>>>>>>> ----snip----
>>>>>>>>>>> I receive a denial
>>>>>>>>>>> "Sorry, new users can only put 2 links in a post."
>>>>>>>>>>> Beside the fact I included just one link, why this restriction?
>>>>>>>>>>> A bit sad that I am considered a new user after five years happily 
>>>>>>>>>>> using ES
>>>>>>>>>>> but the machine is always right in the end ;)
>>>>>>>>>>> Jörg
>>>>>>>>>>> On Mon, May 4, 2015 at 6:58 PM, Leslie Hawthorn <
>>>>>>>>>>> leslie....@elastic.co> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> On Mon, May 4, 2015 at 6:41 PM, Nikolas Everett <
>>>>>>>>>>>> nik...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> I suspect its read only while they sort out resourcing issues.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Cache hit rate is likely quite high while readonly.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> On May 4, 2015 12:38 PM, Jürgen Wagner (DVT) <
>>>>>>>>>>>>> juergen...@devoteam.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The site is read-only. No signups possible. Hmm...
>>>>>>>>>>>> Our friends at Discourse have reported that the site outage has
>>>>>>>>>>>> been resolved. They'll keep up with updates via their Twitter 
>>>>>>>>>>>> account:
>>>>>>>>>>>> https://twitter.com/discourse/status/595268564493279232
>>>>>>>>>>>> In the meantime, please go forth and use the forums. If they
>>>>>>>>>>>> fall over again we will work to ensure speedy resolution.
>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks for your patience, folks.
>>>>>>>>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>>>>>>>>> LH
>>>>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>>>>> Leslie Hawthorn
>>>>>>>>>>>> Director of Developer Relations
>>>>>>>>>>>> http://elastic.co
>>>>>>>>>>>> Other Places to Find Me:
>>>>>>>>>>>> Freenode: lh
>>>>>>>>>>>> Twitter: @lhawthorn
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