Hi there,

The reason I'm looking at Elastic Search being a totally different one ^1, I set up a development environment with about 20 servers that use rsyslog to send off their logs to a logstash server (input, you guessed it, syslog), and through Redis ultimately makes the syslog entries end up in Elastic Search. I suppose this is the next-next-finish setup documented on [1].

To my surprise, it only takes a day or so to get up to a storage volume of ~25 GB in /var/lib/elasticsearch/.

It is particularly surprising to me, because the environment is largely idle, other than some monitoring and some cron jobs -- there's not a lot of syslog messages compared to a production environment, not at all.

Furthermore, using this rsyslog -> logstash collector -> redis -> logstash indexer -> elasticsearch setup, I'm seeing the throughput on the logical volume for the root filesystem rise continuously -- it's now at about 4 MB/s. `iotop` merely suggests this is all Elasticsearch doing the I/O, but its payload is on the aforementioned logical volume mounted on /var/lib/elasticsearch/.

I'm fairly certain I can tweak the number of log entries being sent off to the centralized log server, and it's not unlikely I'm doing something wrong, but I was wondering whether anybody out there had gone through such exercise before, and whether my expectations are correct.

Thanks, in advance,

Kind regards,

Jeroen van Meeuwen

^1: Kolab Groupware is looking in to developing a singular application suite for the topics of Archival, Backup/Restore and e-Discovery. Very much a work-in-progress, we're putting down some notes [2] and are doing the initial probing at potential storage backend solutions.

[1] http://logstash.net/docs/1.3.3/tutorials/getting-started-centralized
[2] http://docs.kolab.org/architecture-and-design/bonnie.html

Systems Architect, Kolab Systems AG

e: vanmeeuwen at kolabsys.com
m: +44 74 2516 3817
w: http://www.kolabsys.com

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