Re: Can't get Chef deployed ElasticSearch service to start

2014-11-26 Thread Karel Minařík
What if you just change the Elasticsearch version in your setup (attributes, role overrides, etc)? There is no patch/commit needed to install 1.x versions with the cookbook. (There are just special cases where overriding attributes doesn't work as expected.) Is there anything printed to the

Re: oauth and ES tokens

2014-10-07 Thread Karel Minařík
Hi, what you're looking for is a proxy which can communicate with an OAuth provider, with an OAuth provider (such as Google+ Sign-In, Sign in with Twitter, etc), verify the cookies, and pass requests between the browser and Elasticsearch. (See this diagram:

Re: Elasticsearch expert in Czech Republic? ... looking for personal training/course

2014-09-25 Thread Karel Minařík
There's an Elasticsearch User Group in Czech Republic (please register here,, also two of the Elasticsearch employees (me and Honza Kral) are based in Prague. You can meet us frequently at Ruby and Python meetups and other developer events.

Re: Facets aren't working

2014-06-12 Thread Karel Minařík
So, are you actually passing the `c` URL parameter to the search method? Notice the code: `if options[:categories]` in your search method. But you don't seem to be passing just `params[:query]` in your controller: params[:query] Karel What I mean by facets aren't working, that

Re: Facets aren't working

2014-06-11 Thread Karel Minařík
I'm getting results but facets aren't working Can you specify in a bit more detail how facet's aren't working (i.e. what do you want to achieve, what is expected, etc)? Since you base your code on the provided Rails templates, the code should be easily translatable to your use case.

Re: encoding is longer than the max length 32766

2014-06-03 Thread Karel Minařík
This is actually a change in Lucene -- previously, the long term was silently dropped, now it raises an exception, see Lucene ticket You might want to add a `length` filter to your analyzer

Re: Chef cookbook tutorial: What AWS permissions are needed to run this cookbook?

2014-06-01 Thread Karel Minařík
Can you try using an AWS key with full permissions to your account? I don't know if somebody has a concrete list of permissions to use here, it definitely needs also permissions for listing volumes, etc. It also applies to using IAM roles -- I've never sucessfully discovered which concrete

Re: _mapping API throws IndexMissingException even with examples from ES site

2014-01-30 Thread Karel Minařík
With the first command, you *update* the mapping for an existing index -- when that index doesn't exist, you'll get, predictably, an error: {error:IndexMissingException[[twitter] missing],status:404} With the second, command, you're creating an index called twitter (hence PUT with name, as per

Re: [RUBY] : elasticsearch-ruby : Special characters not escaped by the library

2014-01-29 Thread Karel Minařík
The `elasticsearch-ruby` library is what we call a low level client, closely matching the semantics and notation of the REST API. So, you pass in exactly the same query as you would into Curl. The only exception here are e.g. names of document types, which are part of the URL, and are

Re: ES not working on ec2 with auto discover

2014-01-26 Thread Karel Minařík
I use the 1.0.0.RC1 this is what I get. ES still not working. What is missing? I installed elasticsearch-cloud-aws. I would double check, that you're using the matching versions of Elasticsearch and the Cloud AWS plugin. Check the files actually installed, you should see

Re: ES not working on ec2 with auto discover

2014-01-26 Thread Karel Minařík
Okproblem solvedwas not discovery., I was the attachment of the volume. This brings up another issue.why did I not get an error? What do you mean by attachment of the volume? The volume was not attached, was attached somewhere else, there was a permissions problem? When

Re: Adding EC2 settings to elasticsearch.yml stops listening to port 9200

2013-12-20 Thread Karel Minařík
The EC2 plugin doesn't mess with networking settings, so the behaviour you're describing is weird. After ES starts, can you connect to it via `curl localhost:9200`? Also, don't use the now deprecated S3 gateway, apart maybe from strictly testing purposes -- it's unsupported and unpredictable.