Please pardon my ignorance in advance, I'm new to Elasticsearch.

I have set up a cluster across two servers. One server is master and data, 
the other just data.

Let's call my first server 'server1', my other server 'server2' and my 
index 'address'.

If i want to search my address index, I can use the following URL:


This returns data fine.

I can also use:


and this returns data fine, too.

My query is as follows - Is there URL which I can use where Elasticsearch 
chooses which server to return data from automatically, instead of having 
to manually specify either server1 or server2?

I will be drastically increasing the number of indexes shortly and I'd like 
Elasticsearch to automate which node it selects depending on whether the 
other is in use, etc.

Is this possible?

Many thanks,

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