I'm getting the same error when following the tutorial. Any idea how to 
solve it?

On Thursday, March 20, 2014 8:41:05 PM UTC+2, Dan Testa wrote:
> Hi,
> I am following the elasticsearch chef cookbook tutorial here:
> http://www.elasticsearch.org/tutorials/deploying-elasticsearch-with-chef-solo/
> I am getting stuck on this step:
> time ssh -t $SSH_OPTIONS $HOST "sudo chef-solo --node-name 
> elasticsearch-test-1 -j /tmp/node.json"
> Here is the error I am getting.  It seems that my AWS key is lacking the 
> necessary permissions to create an EBS volume.  I added "ec2:CreateVolume" 
> and "ec2:AttachVolume" to no avail.  I cannot find any info on what 
> permissions I need to run this.  Can anyone point me to this info?
> [testadadmin@uspetddebspoc01 elasticsearch-test]$ time ssh -t $SSH_OPTIONS 
> $HOST "sudo chef-solo --node-name elasticsearch-test-1 -j /tmp/node.json"
> Warning: Permanently added 
> 'ec2-23-20-247-88.compute-1.amazonaws.com,' 
> (RSA) to the list of known hosts.
> Starting Chef Client, version 11.6.0
> Compiling Cookbooks...
> Recipe: elasticsearch::ebs
>   * package[gcc] action upgrade (up to date)
>   * package[gcc-c++] action upgrade (up to date)
>   * package[make] action upgrade (up to date)
>   * package[libxslt-devel] action upgrade (up to date)
>   * package[libxml2-devel] action upgrade (up to date)
>   * chef_gem[fog] action install (up to date)
> [2014-03-20T18:29:18+00:00] WARN: Cloning resource attributes for 
> directory[/usr/local/var/data/elasticsearch/disk1] from prior resource 
> (CHEF-3694)
> [2014-03-20T18:29:18+00:00] WARN: Previous 
> directory[/usr/local/var/data/elasticsearch/disk1]: 
> /var/chef-solo/cookbooks/elasticsearch/recipes/data.rb:16:in `block in 
> from_file'
> [2014-03-20T18:29:18+00:00] WARN: Current 
>  directory[/usr/local/var/data/elasticsearch/disk1]: 
> /var/chef-solo/cookbooks/elasticsearch/recipes/data.rb:39:in `block in 
> from_file'
> Converging 50 resources
> Recipe: monit::default
>   * package[monit] action install (up to date)
>   * service[monit] action start (up to date)
>   * template[/etc/monit/monitrc] action create (up to date)
> Recipe: elasticsearch::curl
>   * package[curl] action install (up to date)
> Recipe: ark::default
>   * package[unzip] action install (up to date)
>   * package[libtool] action install (up to date)
>   * package[autoconf] action install (up to date)
> Recipe: elasticsearch::default
>   * group[elasticsearch] action create (up to date)
>   * user[elasticsearch] action create (up to date)
>   * bash[remove the elasticsearch user home] action run (skipped due to 
> not_if)
>   * directory[/usr/local/etc/elasticsearch] action create (up to date)
>   * directory[/usr/local/var/log/elasticsearch] action create (up to date)
>   * directory[/usr/local/var/run] action create (up to date)
>   * directory[/usr/local/var/data/elasticsearch] action create (up to date)
>   * template[/etc/init.d/elasticsearch] action create (up to date)
>   * service[elasticsearch] action enable (up to date)
>   * ark[elasticsearch] action install (skipped due to not_if)
>   * bash[enable user limits] action run (skipped due to not_if)
>   * log[increase limits for the elasticsearch user] action write
>   * file[/etc/security/limits.d/10-elasticsearch.conf] action create (up 
> to date)
>   * template[elasticsearch-env.sh] action create (up to date)
>   * template[elasticsearch.yml] action create (up to date)
>   * template[logging.yml] action create (up to date)
> Recipe: elasticsearch::plugins
>   * directory[/usr/local/elasticsearch-0.90.12/plugins/] action create (up 
> to date)
>   * ruby_block[Install plugin: karmi/elasticsearch-paramedic] action run 
> (skipped due to not_if)
> Recipe: elasticsearch::ebs
>   * package[gcc] action nothing (skipped due to action :nothing)
>   * package[gcc-c++] action nothing (skipped due to action :nothing)
>   * package[make] action nothing (skipped due to action :nothing)
>   * package[libxslt-devel] action nothing (skipped due to action :nothing)
>   * package[libxml2-devel] action nothing (skipped due to action :nothing)
>   * chef_gem[fog] action install (up to date)
>   * ruby_block[Create EBS volume on /dev/sda2 (size: 25GB)] action run
> ================================================================================
> Error executing action `run` on resource 'ruby_block[Create EBS volume on 
> /dev/sda2 (size: 25GB)]'
> ================================================================================
> Fog::Compute::AWS::Error
> ------------------------
> UnauthorizedOperation => You are not authorized to perform this operation.
> Cookbook Trace:
> ---------------
> /var/chef-solo/cookbooks/elasticsearch/libraries/create_ebs.rb:41:in 
> `block (2 levels) in create_ebs'
> Resource Declaration:
> ---------------------
> # In /var/chef-solo/cookbooks/elasticsearch/libraries/create_ebs.rb
>  16:     ruby_block "Create EBS volume on #{device} (size: 
> #{params[:ebs][:size]}GB)" do
>  17: 
>  18:       block do
>  19:         require 'fog'
>  20:         require 'open-uri'
>  21: 
>  22:         region      = params[:region] || 
> node.elasticsearch[:cloud][:aws][:region]
>  23:         instance_id = open('
>'){|f| f.gets}
>  24:         raise "[!] Cannot get instance id from AWS meta-data API" 
> unless instance_id
>  25: 
>  26:         Chef::Log.debug("Region: #{region}, instance ID: 
> #{instance_id}")
>  27: 
>  28:         fog_options = { :provider => 'AWS', :region => region }
>  29:         if (access_key = 
> node.elasticsearch[:cloud][:aws][:access_key]) &&
>  30:             (secret_key = 
> node.elasticsearch[:cloud][:aws][:secret_key])
>  31:           fog_options.merge!(:aws_access_key_id => access_key, 
> :aws_secret_access_key => secret_key)
>  32:         else  # Lack of credentials implies a IAM role will provide 
> keys
>  33:           fog_options.merge!(:use_iam_profile => true)
>  34:         end
>  35:         aws = Fog::Compute.new(fog_options)
>  36: 
>  37:         server = aws.servers.get instance_id
>  38: 
>  39:         # Create EBS volume if the device is free
>  40:         ebs_device = params[:ebs][:device] || device
>  41:         unless server.volumes.map(&:device).include?(ebs_device)
>  42:           options = { :device                => ebs_device,
>  43:                       :size                  => params[:ebs][:size],
>  44:                       :delete_on_termination => 
> params[:ebs][:delete_on_termination],
>  45:                       :availability_zone     => 
> server.availability_zone,
>  46:                       :server                => server }
>  47: 
>  48:           options[:type] = params[:ebs][:type] if params[:ebs][:type]
>  49:           options[:iops] = params[:ebs][:iops] if params[:ebs][:iops] 
> and params[:ebs][:type] == "io1"
>  50: 
>  51:           if params[:ebs][:snapshot_id]
>  52:             if snapshot = 
> aws.snapshots.get(params[:ebs][:snapshot_id])
>  53:               Chef::Log.info "Creating EBS from snapshot: #{
> snapshot.id} (" +
>  54:                              "Tags: #{snapshot.tags.inspect}, "       
>       +
>  55:                              "Description: #{snapshot.description})"
>  56:               options[:snapshot_id] = snapshot.id
>  57:             else
>  58:               __message = "[!] Cannot find snapshot: 
> #{params[:ebs][:snapshot_id]}"
>  59:               Chef::Log.fatal __message
>  60:               raise __message
>  61:             end
>  62:           end
> Compiled Resource:
> ------------------
> # Declared in 
> /var/chef-solo/cookbooks/elasticsearch/libraries/create_ebs.rb:16:in 
> `create_ebs'
> ruby_block("Create EBS volume on /dev/sda2 (size: 25GB)") do
>   action "run"
>   retries 0
>   retry_delay 2
>   block_name "Create EBS volume on /dev/sda2 (size: 25GB)"
>   cookbook_name :elasticsearch
>   recipe_name "ebs"
>   block 
> #<Proc:0x0000000164ec58@/var/chef-solo/cookbooks/elasticsearch/libraries/create_ebs.rb:18>
> end
> [2014-03-20T18:29:20+00:00] ERROR: Running exception handlers
> [2014-03-20T18:29:20+00:00] ERROR: Exception handlers complete
> [2014-03-20T18:29:20+00:00] FATAL: Stacktrace dumped to 
> /var/chef-solo/chef-stacktrace.out
> Chef Client failed. 1 resources updated
> [2014-03-20T18:29:20+00:00] FATAL: Chef::Exceptions::ChildConvergeError: 
> Chef run process exited unsuccessfully (exit code 1)
> Connection to ec2-23-20-247-88.compute-1.amazonaws.com closed.
> real    0m7.060s
> user    0m0.013s
> sys     0m0.005s
> Here is my node.json configuration:
> {
>   "run_list": [ "recipe[monit]",
>                 "recipe[elasticsearch]",
>                 "recipe[elasticsearch::plugins]",
>                 "recipe[elasticsearch::ebs]",
>                 "recipe[elasticsearch::data]",
>                 "recipe[elasticsearch::aws]",
>                 "recipe[elasticsearch::nginx]",
>                 "recipe[elasticsearch::proxy]",
>                 "recipe[elasticsearch::monit]" ],
>   "elasticsearch" : {
>     "cluster_name" : "elasticsearch_test_with_chef",
>     "bootstrap" : { "mlockall" : false },
>     "discovery" : { "type": "ec2" },
>     "path": {
>       "data": ["/usr/local/var/data/elasticsearch/disk1"]
>     },
>     "data" : {
>       "devices" : {
>         "/dev/sda2" : {
>           "file_system"      : "ext3",
>           "mount_options"    : "rw,user",
>           "mount_path"       : "/usr/local/var/data/elasticsearch/disk1",
>           "format_command"   : "mkfs.ext3",
>           "fs_check_command" : "dumpe2fs",
>           "ebs"            : {
>             "size"                  : 25,
>             "delete_on_termination" : true,
>             "type"                  : "io1",
>             "iops"                  : 100
>           }
>         }
>       }
>     },
>     "cloud"   : {
>       "aws"     : {
>         "access_key" : "xxxxxxx",
>         "secret_key" : "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
>         "region"     : "us-east-1"
>       },
>       "ec2"     : {
>         "security_group": "elasticsearch-test"
>       }
>     },
>     "plugins" : {
>       "karmi/elasticsearch-paramedic" : {}
>     },
>     "nginx" : {
>       "users" : [ { "username" : "estest", "password" : "@estest!" } ],
>       "allow_cluster_api" : true
>     }
>   },
>   "monit" : {
>     "notify_email" : "xxxxxxx",
>     "mail_format"  : { "from" : "xxxxxx", "subject" : "[monit] $SERVICE 
> $EVENT on $HOST", "message" : "$SERVICE $ACTION: $DESCRIPTION" }
>   }
> Here is my AWS key configuration:
> { 
> "Version": "2012-10-17", 
> "Statement": [ 
> { 
> "Sid": "Stmt1394573401000", 
> "Effect": "Allow", 
> "Action": [ 
> "ec2:DescribeAvailabilityZones", 
> "ec2:DescribeInstances", 
> "ec2:DescribeRegions", 
> "ec2:DescribeSecurityGroups", 
> "ec2:DescribeTags",
> "ec2:AttachVolume",
> "ec2:CreateVolume"
> ], 
> "Resource": [ 
> "*" 
> ] 
> } 
> ] 
> }
> Apologies for not putting all this into a gist.  I am not yet initiated 
> with github.
> Thanks,
> Dan

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