Is it possible to temporary disable river allocation?

We want to separate the nodes running the rivers from the nodes
holding the data, so that the nodes running the rivers can be
temporary shut down or restarted without having an impact on the data
nodes. After restarting the river nodes, all our rivers get allocated
to the first node that joins the cluster (as it is the only node with
river set to true).

I suppose that a ClusterChangedEvent gets fired for one node after the
other, and that the RiversRouter assigns all the rivers after the
first node joining. I could not find an option to temporary disable
rivers allocation, because then I could wait till all the nodes have
been restarted and only then reenable river allocation. Or maybe add
an option to delay river allocation.

A working (but not very elegant solution) is to restart the river
nodes, then restart the single node holding all the rivers, which
causes the RiversRouter to redistribute the rivers uniformly among the
other nodes. (Seems somewhat hacky to me ;-) and has the disadvantage
that the double-restarted node has no river running)

Thanks in advance for any advice or comments,


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