
I am using elasticsearch 1.3.2 and try to understand elasticsearch (with my 
Oracle background ;-)).
For testing I use the data available 
on http://fec.gov/disclosurep/PDownload.do

There is a datafile for every state of the USA.
I don't know whether it is a good idea but I want to make 1 index with a 
type for every state.

I want to define the fields and their types in advance.

Can I create the index with type AL and add other types after creation?
 I tried but I was not able to do it.

I created the the folloing index 
curl -XPOST localhost:9200/contributions -d '{
"settings" : {
        "number_of_shards" : 10,  "number_of_replicas" : 1, "_index" : true
    "mappings" : {
      "AK" : {        "properties" : 
     {    "cand_id" : {            "type" : "string" , "index" : 
"not_analyzed"          },
          "cand_nm" : {            "type" : "string"           },
          "cmte_id" : {            "type" : "string"          }
,     "AL" : {
        "properties" : {
          "cand_id" : {            "type" : "string" , "index" : 
"not_analyzed"          },
          "cand_nm" : {             "type" : "string"           },
          "cmte_id" : {            "type" : "string"          }

Can I add types for AR and AZ after creation?
They have the same column definition. 
Is there a better way to achieve this?

Regards HansP

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