I have this query with some nested aggregations

*   "aggs": {*
*      "by_date": {*
*         "date_histogram": {*
*            "field": "timestamp",*
*            "interval": "day"*
*         },*
*         "aggs": {*
*            "new_users": {*
*               "filter": {*
*                  "query": {*
*                     "match": {*
*                        "action": "USER_ADD"*
*                     }*
*                  }*
*               },*
*               "aggs": {*
*                  "unique_users": {*
*                     "cardinality": {*
*                        "field": "user"*
*                     }*
*                  }*
*               }*
*            }*
*         }*
*      }*
*   },*
*   "size": 0*

It yields results that look like this

*"aggregations": {*
*      "by_date": {*
*         "buckets": [*
*            {*
*               "key_as_string": "1970-01-07T00:00:00.000Z",*
*               "key": 518400000,*
*               "doc_count": 210,*
*               "new_users": {*
*                  "doc_count": 0,*
*                  "unique_users": {*
*                     "value": 0*
*                  }*
*               }*
*            },*
*            {*
*               "key_as_string": "1970-01-09T00:00:00.000Z",*
*               "key": 691200000,*
*               "doc_count": 6,*
*               "new_users": {*
*                  "doc_count": 0,*
*                  "unique_users": {*
*                     "value": 0*
*                  }*
*               }*
*            },*
*       ......*

What I want to happen is apply min_doc_count on the most nested 
sub-aggregation such that I don't see zero values for "unique_users" (in 
this case) returned.

The issue is that min_doc_count can't be applied to my query other than the 
date_histogram at the top level.   

Does the ES query language support something like this?  Any know 


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