
This is for elasticsearch : elasticsearch-1.3.2-1.noarch
There are 2 nodes in the cluster.
I have installed the river-csv pluging.

When loading a file with 5 million rows loading stops after 477400 rows.

I load with :
curl -XPUT localhost:9200/_river/my_csv_river/_meta -d '
    "type" : "csv",
    "csv_file" : {
        "folder" : "/u01/app/div",

In the logfile I see :
[2014-08-18 14:44:53,216][INFO 
][org.agileworks.elasticsearch.river.csv.CSVRiver] [Stanley] 
[csv][my_csv_river] Going to execute new bulk composed of 100 actions
[2014-08-18 14:44:53,275][INFO 
][org.agileworks.elasticsearch.river.csv.CSVRiver] [Stanley] 
[csv][my_csv_river] Executed bulk composed of 100 actions
[2014-08-18 14:44:53,280][INFO 
][org.agileworks.elasticsearch.river.csv.CSVRiver] [Stanley] 
[csv][my_csv_river] Going to execute new bulk composed of 100 actions
[2014-08-18 14:44:53,299][INFO 
][org.agileworks.elasticsearch.river.csv.CSVRiver] [Stanley] 
[csv][my_csv_river] Executed bulk composed of 100 actions
[2014-08-18 14:44:53,385][INFO 
][org.agileworks.elasticsearch.river.csv.CSVRiver] [Stanley] 
[csv][my_csv_river] Executed bulk composed of 100 actions

./es -v indices
status name         pri rep size     bytes   docs
green  _river         1   1          15452      2
green  my_csv_river   5   1      296047073 477400

Am I doing something wrong?

Regards HansP

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