I switched up my importing of a csv file from doing single inserts to a 
bulk insert but I'm not sure why all my document are nested in a doc field 
instead of inserted as value. There is no 'doc' field in the dataset so I'm 
not sure where that value is coming from.

"hits": [
            "_index": "sample-index",
            "_type": "sample_agg1_v3",
            "_id": "75a6c925-d37e-49fd-b1ca-3c5355e2d146",
            "_score": 1,
            "_source": {
               "doc": "{' ............. the data

instead of 

"hits": [
            "_index": "sample-index",
            "_type": "agg1_sample",
            "_id": "83abd750-54d9-4373-8710-5eff29485c9e",
            "_score": 1,
            "_source": {   .... the data

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