Great story!
I worked a station in the USA last night on 40m with 5w. I had just
adjusted my antenna tuner (yes, I know, but it is impossible to find a
totally clear spot during CQWW), and I forgot to restore normal power
and turn on my amp. I wonder if he noticed the difference when I came
Good Evening,
The loggers have moved off to the west. The beeping is deadened by
the distance and by the dense fog. I am also getting used to the floor
vibrating. Many truck loads of wood have driven off to Mist. Some of
the trees have not really grown in twenty years; it was hard to co
Smart mouthed answers are not required, least of all here in this group. You
know better Bill.
He has at least one coax running from the radio to the KAT500, plus there may
be other coax and/or switches attached in that path.
All should be checked. No magic involved in that.
If he contin
I have worked DX on a cantenna and a TR-4. It was setting on the workbench
in the back of the room when we were doing a multi-single in the 10 meter
contest many years ago. The radio was turned on as someone had been messing
around with it. I walked past and heard an HK call from the speaker. The
Thanks for your wonderful praise and support.
However, at my age, I do not intend to put up the bucks to purchase a
K4. My fully loaded K3 and P3 along with my KX3/PX3/KXPA100/KXAT100
stations along with my fully loaded K2/100 Twins are more than adequate
for my wants and needs and will
If the KAT500 is not bonded to the K3, external to the coax, and the
combination is not bonded to the building's earth electrode, you DO have
an antenna on the K3 and are demonstrating that its MDS is impressive.
It doesn't take much to make a receiving antenna. Actually, if you saw
my HOA-st
I did get my instructions out for the EXTREF. I had forgotten that there
were extra sheets for that. I use an HP Z3801 through an 8 way splitter
and run the 10 MHz from the garage to the shack, a fifty foot run, on .14
in diameter 75 ohm cable. I also put a 1:1 isolation transforme
+4 to +16 dBm (2.5mw to 40mw). It's stated on last page of kit
instructions (I don't have a copy of the current manual as I was a
beta tester).
but look here:
I use a 10-MHz amplifier with four 10 dBm outputs made by DEMI:
It sounds to me like you actually do have some kind of antenna effects
floating around in your shack.
Pickup from RF on the outside of the coax being conducted to the ground
plane of the receiver through some "sneak paths".
What happens if you disconnect the receiver from the KAT500?
Duh? With no coax connected to it, what connectors should he check?
He’s getting distant stations with no antenna, no stations with antennas
It’s magic!
Sent from my iPhone
...nr4c. bill
> On Nov 23, 2019, at 4:38 PM, Rick Bates, NK7I wrote:
> Check ALL your coax connections
Check ALL your coax connections (and quality of coax), making SURE that
the connectors are properly attached (soldered or crimped) to the wires
AND that they are securely attached to the mated connector on the KAT500.
A /little/ leakage is normal but unless that station is 40 over 9, you
Sounds like you have a great receiver
> On Nov 23, 2019, at 4:14 PM, wrote:
I have a KAT-500 at least 4 years old. I can hear stations without any
antennas connected to it. I live in Clarksville, TN and I copied station
in Bradenton, FL 600+ miles away on
I have a KAT-500 at least 4 years old. I can hear stations without any
antennas connected to it. I live in Clarksville, TN and I copied station
in Bradenton, FL 600+ miles away on 14.3 MHZ. I have had the same thing
happen on 40 meters as well. Any ideas???
John Freed
I have never seen any restrictions like that. If the filters are
properly configured, that is all that counts.
It may be a bit confusing though if (say) the filters cycle from FL3 to
FL1 to FL4 as the bandwidth is narrowed, so mmost are in fact installed
in descending bandwidth order.
I sure hope that one of the beta testers is Don, W3FPR. He's done so much for
the Elecraft community, and is so widely respected, that he -deserves- to have
an early crack at the K4. IIRC, he did receive one of the first production
units of the KX3, which is my favorite rig.
Of course, I know
Don’t forget, filters must be installed in descending bandwidth. The 13KHz
filter (if installed) must be in slot 1 I believe. Right, Don?
Sent from my iPhone
...nr4c. bill
> On Nov 23, 2019, at 2:39 PM, Don Wilhelm wrote:
> Robin,
> It will work like yours does if you only have one fi
It will work like yours does if you only have one filter configured and
that filter is in the filter 2 location. If there is only one filter,
it must be either the 2.7 or 2.8 kHz width filter.
If you don't know which filters are installed, you will have to
physically examine them (re
I have some questions regarding XFIL on the K3.
When I look at the display it does not display FL1, and using XFIL tracks
through FL2, FL3 and FL4, but never Fl1 ?.
In the menu I see FL2 BW, FL2 FRQ, FL2 GN, FL2 ON, but nothing for FL1, FL3 and
FL4 ?
Also, when I hold XFIL button do
I can not get the KRC2 configuration program to work on win 10, it keeps
saying that mscomctl.ocx is missing. I downloaded and registered the
ocx file and still get the same error. What is the secret to getting
this to work?
Gordon - N1MGO
You're not spamming. That would mean you're trying to sell us something.
Seems your email is working again!
Tom - KB2SMS
On 11/23/19 9:53 AM, Jim KO5V wrote:
Testing. I'm having email issues (again!).
Sorry to SPAM the list. 73, Jim KO5V
73 Dave
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Testing. I'm having email issues (again!).
Sorry to SPAM the list. 73, Jim KO5V
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