You almost gave me a heart attack; I had just finished putting the SV149s in #4768 this morning. I snugged them down tight to the board. So I ran off to the bench and checked with the meter, but all mine are fine.

I had assumed that the middle leg was just something left over from a manufacturing run where they had used transistor tooling, but with a transistor inside. Your comments made me think that maybe they are transistors with a leg missing.

Perhaps somebody who hasn't installed theirs yet could check with a meter? Or does somebody know what is actually inside the package?

Had to break off this afternoon to attend a nephews birthday party and do some token woodworking in the bathroom that I am supposed to be renovating, but got back to the bench this evening and have just finished the crystals - first toroid winding session tomorrow.

Chris VP8BKF

PA2A Steef wrote:

Today I soldered the 6 MV209 varactor diodes and the 11 1SV149 's on the 
RF-board of my K2 #4654 According to the text on page 50 the varactor diodes 
should be pressed all the way down on the board to prevent stray signal 
coupling. The SV149 varactors may have a center lead that has been cut flush 
with the body of the device.

The center leads are clearly visible, about 0.5 mm coming out of the varactor 
bodies! The soldering islands for the two varactor leads have a very narrow 
gap, not more than half a mm on top of the board. The center pin can easily 
short against one or even both leads of the 1SV 149 's. I left them about one 
mm above the board.

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